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The person who opened the decrepit door strolled in. She sighed like she was annoyed that she was going to get blood all over her uniform, which was black anyway, or at least black in the dark. She handed me a piece of paper I didn't feel at looking at . After that, she picked my roommate up, and carried her like a beaten bride from me.

I climbed back into my bed. I rolled to face the wall closed my eyes, and almost went to sleep, but laid on the cusp of consciousness, not being able to spill over because something was off....

The hell did I just do?

I rolled over on my back and looked at the top bunk.

Wait, what did I do? I thought confusedly. I was squinting, trying to deduct why I felt off in my logic. I got up to go for a walk outside to clear my head. I walked to the door but it wouldn't open. Huh? Wait, no, wait, huh?  I was too confused to remember why the door wouldn't open, and why I couldn't see through all of it, and why it was hellishly cold, and why I couldn't remember something. I sat on the hellishly cold stone floor and boggled my head against the door. I t was cold, but I wasn't right enough to register that I should try to find warmth instead.

"Goddamn why is the door so stuck? Get maintenance on it".

"Yes ma'am"

My vision turned from the world of dreams, to black, to my prison room. I felt kicking against my back, and warm-ish air, or at least warmer-than-nighttime air.

I was shoved hard to the side and batted at. I just groaned from being woken up,instead of groaning in pain or defending myself.

"Tell the pharmacist to meet me in my office" said the original voice

"Yes ma'am" said the secondary voice.

I was allowed to sit in my corner why people in different colored plastic came in and out with cleaning tools and chemicals. Someone hauled me up by my arms and tossed me onto my bottom bunk.


"Okay" I said, hazy and obedient. 

I woke up later with one hell of a headache. I groaned when I tried to move my head, but I did anyway cos I kind of liked the feeling. I saw a cup with supposedly water in it and some pills with a piece of paper on a mini fold out table. I fell out of bed and  reached for the paper.

You have been sedated and helped with your situation with one of our compounds. Your headache will NOT diminish unless you take the prescribed combatant (green pill). The red pill is to reduce one, or several of the following minor side-effects: fever, nausea, dizziness, temporarily impaired motor skills, and/or hallucinations.

What the fuck!? "Reduced motor skills and/or hallucinations"!? What kind of operation are they running here? Oh yeah, a fucking demented prison camp. I felt extra mean with my thoughts because of the steadily growing worse headache. I swatted for the pills and almost knocked down the water, but thankfully didn't.

Sickly green and bloody red. Awesome. I thought jokingly, then sarcastically. I swallowed the pills that were probably even more poison, and sat back in agony. The headache had started getting even more horrid, and it was almost impossible to think, or, enjoy it.

I closed my eyes to concentrate on not exploding. I opened them and someone was in front of me. My arms jumped to my abdomen after feeling my flesh get sliced. I started to sputter blood from my mouth. It fell onto the stone floor and seeped into it. I heard ringing and creaking behind me, followed by screams. Someone uppercut my jaw and kicked me in the gut. More blood sprayed from my mouth. Someone was pounding on my head with several mallets. I suddenly couldn't move. My wrists, waist, ankles, everything was bound to something I couldn't see. Above me, the lights were brading lumens at my retinas and my entire body like a hot iron dye.. Little pin pricks made themselves apparent, then drove into my flesh. Random noises were everywhere: screams, sobs, squeaky wheels, colors, voices. My hands clamped on my head to make all the sensation to disappear. I closed my eyes right as I felt like I was run over by a large vehicle. I quickly opened my eyes again, and everything was gone. 

I huddled up and looked over my body. No marks were present, and no pain was present either. My headache was gone and I felt cool in the silence.

My eyes were open very wide, and I started rocking back and forth. No coherent thoughts ran through my head, only flashbacks of experienced horrors. My arm got sore, and my elbows dipped to my hips, and I heard a scrunch. I prodded my pocket and heard the scrunch again, the sound of... paper! I pulled it from my pocket. I had a flashback to when I was handed it the night prior. I read it.

If read as soon as received: expect minor side effects, such as nausea, fever, dizziness etc, and follow instructions given later.

Minor side-effects my ass. I continued reading.

If read at later date: allow time for recuperation. You will be called in soon.

A knock on the shitty, creaky, decrepit metal door.

Speak of the fucking devil.

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