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That night, I had another dream. This time, I was inside of the building was trying to get into, I think. Anyway, it was a library, but old, with really thick books and lots of dust and all wall space taken by a bookshelf.

A tall man called me over. it was the same business man from the last
dream, except he was now he was wearing plain pants and a sweater on top and wearing glasses. He was at a table with one of the large books open, on top. I hesitantly walked over to where he stood, confused by the atmosphere, people, the situation itself.

"Uhh, hi," I said.

"Hello," he said in a gentle, absent-minded voice while staring down at a book.

I stayed silent with my fuzzy head and fuzzy body and fuzzy thoughts. I've never seen a place like this. It was so dark and full of papers on the walls.

"So I was going through this book," he points to a boom on the desk, "to prove to her that I was obviously right and..." his words barely registered. I just stayed staring at the book he was looking at. My hands involuntarily went to feel the paper,in its thin, translucency and smooth feel.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" I say as my head bobs up.

He sighs, then continues talking. "I got down the dictionary like you asked, you could at least listen to me"

"Listen to you!?" I snapped at him "I never asked you to do anything. I dont even know who you are!"

"What are you talking about? I swear, you've gone crazy little sister"

"Sister!? No one is ever related anymore. We are created at each city's facility!" I felt a bit nauseous at my extreme heart rate and feeling of undeniable anger.


I woke up and felt the sweat on my head and pillow, all sticky. The sun was about to finish setting, and the sky was that dark but at the same time light blue. My stomach was feeling a bit better, so I decided to get something to fill my system. No room in this particular building had kitchens, but we did have a dining area we could go to at about any time, that was still apart of the building, but you still had to go outside to get to it.

I opened the doors to find just a handful of people inside. I order a grilled cheese and thank them when it comes out of the kitchen just two minutes later. I find myself a quaint table to enjoy my delectable sandwich, and go in for a a whopping bite, until I hear a familiar voice. I put the sandwich down as I recognize the voice.

It's him

It's the bloody guy from my dreams!

I decided to eavesdrop onto their conversation.

"I don't know man, that sounds really weird" said another guy

"I know right! Everybody knows that no one procreates anymore and that no one is related like that-just characteristics that a few people happen to share."

The other man glares at the guy who seems to be his friennd. "I'm pretty sure I would know, considering thats WHERE I WORK"

"Right, right, sorry, I forgot"

"Of course you did, you always do"

The guy from my dream smiles and bashfully runs a hand through his hair at the accusation.

"Hey, I've got to go. We can talk later, yeah?"


The other guy walks out, and as soon as he's out of the door, I take his place.

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