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That was the exact moment that my blind happiness went away.

"What do you mean you're back? You said you'd be back in a few weeks" I said, confused.

"I am. It's been a little over three weeks Dear" she said.

"No, it's been, mmm, three days, four tops"

The two women in back took a step forward.

"It's been a little over three weeks Dear. Now, come with me, or else you will be forcefully escorted" she smiled while saying that.

I couldn't respond to that. She took my inability to respond as a declaration of defiance, and I was forcefully dragged from the room of faux happiness. I didn't have the heart to struggle. I was thinking about too many things, trying to add everything up. I couldn't believe that I had spent almost a month away from home. Do my comrades notice me being gone? I just spent at least three weeks having fun, like I belonged here. I watched someone die on top of me for God's sake

I started to tremble, even in my tight grasp. Good thing I wasn't forced to walk, or else I would've collapsed by now. I watched as the many doors passed until we reached the part of the building that was never explained. I was dropped into a massively crowded room and shoved against a wall.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed

They three females who escorted me here made their way to the head of the room.

"ATTENTION LADIES!!!" the main one screamed and caused the entire room to go silent, then whispers of what might happen.

She had a hint of enthusiasm in her voice "Now now, no need to anticipate, because I'm here to tell you exactly why you have been pried from your fun. You shall be conditioned, meaning that if you're doing what you're supposed to, we shall reward you. If you do something displeasing, you shall be accordingly punished. This also goes for orders. Follow an order, and you'll be rewarded, and brutally punished for failing to complete the order or questioning the order. Finally, it applies to utmost every rule we have here. The one you need to worry about now, is that you shall never question us. Now-"

"What the hell is this!?" a random girl from the crowd inquired.

"An example" the orator said slyly and with a crooked smile.

Next thing I hear is the blood chilling, innately feared screams of the random girl. It just didn't stop. It was so brutal that no one else could move, or scream at the shock of hearing the gruesome noise. The screaming finally stopped and the girl hit the floor with a powerful, dull thud.

"See what happens when you don't listen?" The orator asked like a school teacher. She continued,  "Don't worry, she only slipped into unconsciousness because of the sheer pain. She's not injured"

Not injured? That at least has to royally screw with someone mentally.

"Now, it's time to get all you pretty girls settled."

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