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Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!  I thought.  No, no, no please be okay Please be okay.

The floor had a slowly growing pool of scarlet. And an unconscious teenage girl. And it was the middle of the night.

I stooped down to look at her. Oh god. The blood was coming from her head mainly. I ripped a sheet from my bed and held it to her head. I howled for someone to help. No one came. I held my hand hard against her head in an attempt to staunch the flow. The blood just kept leaking from her. My pulse and breathing accelerated; I was basically hyperventilating at that point. 

Weird little memories started playing themselves in my head. It was probably my brain's attempt to keep me from calm-ish. I saw her sitting on her bed, smoking her cigarette, being a total bitch. I saw her comfort me the next time. I saw her almost lose that first fight, and I jumped in to help her. I heard her telling me about the potatoes and the cigarettes. 

I almost jumped up right then and there but thankfully didn't.  I carefully set her down. She must have a lighter somewhere. I dug around in the small amount of possessions we had, meaning the furniture and all the stuff the room came with and the stuff we were given, and nothing that was actually ours. I almost flipped over the entire bunk bed set, and probably would've if it wasn't so goddamn heavy. After flipping over the racks where we kept our clothes ratios and the towels and miscellaneous objects and finding nothing, I truly started to panic.

She's going to die and I killed her. I killed my one friend here.

I started hitting everything in the room, but her. The bed frame now had  dent in it and the door did as well. I checked on her and her breathing wasn't audible so I thought she had passed. I immediately dropped to the ground and heard faint breathing. I hauled her up and leaned her against my bottom bunk so she could breathe easier. I NEED to calm down and find that lighter. 

I climbed up the ladder to get to her bed. I was almost trembling, but not enough to render myself completely useless, but enough to knock off the top of the post that made part of the frame. It fell in a niche in between the bed and the frame. I picked up the damn thing to throw it at the wall, but caught myself just in time. It didn't feel right, so I examined it.

Oh that canny.... at least I found the damn thing.

I jumped of the bed to get to her faster, but ended up taking longer because I rolled my ankle doing so. I crawled over to the person who looked like a cadaver. I breathed in and steeled myself for the task. 

Her hair was sticky from the blood that was still slowly dripping from her. It's crazy she hadn't bled out by then. I took another cleansing breathe and held up the lighter. I flipped the top off and sparked the flame. The side said "zippo". I think they meant to say hippo, but messed up.

Singed hair and cooking meat met my nose. The blood was another matter. It got stickier and stickier as it cooked down to be like really viscous molasses. It eventually dried, but that was long after the flame was gone and her head was sealed. I grabbed her by her arms and dragged her to the sink to clean her up.

The door creaked open. 

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