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A block because of a cocky punch to the face. A jump back to dodge a desperate blow to the side. A body that quickly recovers from a stumble. 

My opponent stood straight, then braced herself again, resolving herself to not make hasty assumptions.

I did quite the opposite. I figured that she thought I would have the usual style of scared fighting, but then saw I wasn't afraid and fidgety. I figured that my opponent would fight more careful, look for slighter weaknesses, strike fast to take me down when I'm not expecting it.

I stood guard, waiting for her next attack. She expected me to take a try, but I didn't. After useless waiting, buzzed with anticipation, she made her choice to come at me. She was far enough for me to easily react before her fist or foot or knee to connect to my body, but she knew she had to take that chance.

She simultaneously undercut my legs with her foot and uppercut my jaw with her knuckles, just catching under my chin.. Her lower kick hit the middle of the side of my shins with the side of her foot, instead of my knees, so I was able to keep my balance. 

 I punched her face and and hooked her unbalanced leg on my leg and pulled back. I leaned forward with her body and fell on my knee while landing my fist into her face with half of my body weight. I rolled onto my side to keep her pinned down. I rolled again to lay my knees on her shins, slowly digging them further down. I moved up to sit on her stomach, and I slowly wiped the blood from my knuckles on her cheek. Her expression slowly turned to a look of terror from a look of pain. I stared blankly into her watering eyes.

The audience, if there was one, was silent. Even my opponent was silent; too scared to move or struggle because of my expression.

I moved my arms back and lifted just the hem of her shirt. I dug what little bit of fingernail I had left into the sensitive skin just above her hip bones. She held her breath in. I pushed harder. She still held her breathe. I let up and prodded for a new spot. I slid my fingers two inches in, and dug in, slow as possible. She finally let out her held breathe.

I smiled and thought I won. 

I hit the side of her head, quickly got up, and stomped on her chest. She was slightly more bloody and now couldn't breathe.

"I win" I stated

"N-no" she sputtered with blood

I stomped on her chest again, making her cough blood

"What was that? That sounded like a rejection. Are you sure about that"

No response.

I shoved my foot into her delicate side. "Sure about that?" I shoved again "Are you sure!?" I raised my arm and charged it for another blow to her once ruggedly pretty face. I was pulled at from my behind and lifted off my feet. I drove my foot and leg as far back as possible in a desperate attempt to continue my torture.

"Jesus, it's over, calm the fuck down" said the guard that was holding me.

I looked at my opponent. She was no longer slightly bloody and winded. She was an emaciated pile of flesh and calcium. Everything suddenly felt surreal, dizzy, and I wanted to throw up. I stopped squirming and was put down. I fell to my knees and threw up like a dog.

My roommate came and retrieved me.

"What the hell was that? She kept screaming for it to end. She begged for you to stop, but you just smiled and continued breaking her body apart. You were even smiling and laughing!"

I couldn't react. That's not what I saw happen at all I thought.

"Come, on, lets get you cleaned up and hope there are no reparations for your idiotic sadism." she then whispered "What happened to you?"

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