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"My God! You're completely emaciated!"

Just shut up. You're being annoying.

"What happened to you?"

Seriously, you're too loud bitch.

"Your wrists! Your torso, your everything!"

Is she fucking deaf?

She withdrew into a violent fit of sobbing.

Stop it. That's really annoying. Let me sleep or at least not listen to you. Plus, you're head is too damn heavy.

She let up after a few seconds of raw emotion. "I thought you were dead!"

No, I'm obviously not.

"You were gone for six months" she whispered

That opened my eyes  bit wider. "What?" I managed to croak. My voice sounded odd. I realized I had been talking in my head the entire time. I chanced a look at her, feeling pretty guilty. She looked miserable, but beneath the crying face, tougher, stronger...beaten.

Wait, when did I even get here?

"Wait, when did I get here?" I asked audibly, and not as hoarse this time.

"I-I-I d-d-on't" she let out a wail "know. I w-woke up...and I-I got, got up o-of bed, then...you. You were j-just....there." She got up "I-i'm sorry. T-the, um, my head, i-it as probably, uh, agitating...." she motioned at my body

"It's fine" I definitely don't feel "fine".

I bent my arms to help myself sit up. Shifting the weight to my arms caused my skin to stretch and where I had marks from the restraints. I gasped and simultaneously smirked at the sensation. 

 "Oh God, don't try to move!" she ordered and basically shoved me back down.  "You're going to rest and we're going to figure something out"

Can't you have a different voice or something? I don't remember you being so annoying.

She perked up quite a bit, "I guess I'll fill you in on what happened all that time ago. We were all called to assembly in the morning, you know, in that giant room. It didn't seem right at first, everyone was whispering. Then that head macho lady told use the deal. She said that if we weren't able to put up a fight to save ourselves, we shouldn't be alive. She spouted some bullshit about how we didn't truly want to live or we weren't deserving" she started choking up again, "and, there was no mention of people in the infirmary. I woke up on the floor and you were gone. After hearing the news, I assumed you were stabbed dead after hearing all the stuff and..."

I didn't have anything to say to her at that moment, but I wish I did. I just didn't understand why she was so hysterical -well I could, but couldn't empathize the feeling of grief. She looked disappointed at my lack of care to respond. 

Her voice hardened "We now have schedules for certain activities, that are mostly true. They throw in some extra fights or keep you in anticipation by cancelling yours or calling it late. I've tried to work out how to they set this system up, but I don't get to talk to anyone else, so I can only gauge if they're a winner or loser by relative strength, but that doesn't work very well either. Schedule say's that we're, or at least I'm up next. They've only had me fight single fighters, but I don't know if it's because they lost their roommate, or it doesn't matter. My schedule doesn't specify who exactly, just the inhabitant of our room, which was only me for awhile. I guess just hope you're not in or something" and with that, she ignored me.

I honestly did try to come up with a good number of things to say, but I couldn't. I felt she was annoyed, or mad, or sad? but I couldn't quite tell which it was; just something other than normal. Or maybe this is her new normal. I thought.

The door creaked open. I reflexively cringed into a ball. A guard came in and said we were up to fight. My roommate walked out first, and when I failed to follow suit, the guard yelled at me.\

"Me too?"

She sighed "Yes, you too"

She didn't seem to care I was clearly injured. I got up and reveled in the lightening bolts and wildfire pain that shot and spread through my body as I moved. 

The hallway was almost foreign. After that long in the infirmary and many lands, the memory of the hallway was fading. I figured it couldn't be a dream, because I wouldn't have remembered the hallway clear enough.

I was shoved into the are of violence and pain. She tried to follow me in, but a guard held her back.

Oh well. I'm better anyway.

I was against a single competitor. She was slightly taller than myself, and looked a little worn in to the facility. I straightened myself, then readied myself for her onslaught of blows.

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