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An item was thrown at my face.

"Why did you do that?" I asked

"Because I felt like it. Why did you do all that to the poor girl?"

"I didn't. I didn't it happening like you all did. She wasn't that damaged when I saw her, then all of the sudden she was in a heap!"

Another item to my face "Wrong answer!"

I struggled against the restraints in my chair. "No, that's what happened" 

"Are you expecting me to believe your ludicrous story?"

Another item to the face. "Learn to answer truthfully and quickly. Leave now"

"I can't"


"The restraints."


"So, I can't break them"

"Have fun with that"

The person interrogating me left. I never saw their face, and they sounded plain- hard to distinguish from a crowd.

I desperately looked around the room. My face hurt pretty badly, but I had no idea what the things she threw at me were. I was left alone in an office type room, but I couldn't be sure. Everything still looked weird, all non-transparent.

My face suddenly felt like it had been smacked. What the hell? I thought

Another one but even harder. My face stung like several bees had given their life to sting me.

My roommate was standing above. "What the hell?" I asked confused.

"You sounded distressed while sleeping. It's probably guilt about losing some long-lost love or something"

"Wait what?"

"Maybe you ate a person I don't know. I don't judge. Oh wait, I do"


She shushed me "Just go back to sleep"

"Um, okay" It was probably in the middle of the night, and I was desperately exhausted, so I didn't mind going back to sleep and dreaming about a a pasta idol or potatoes or something.

I woke up for a second time to weird feelings. I immediately went into defensive mode and struck down  the person who was prodding at me.

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