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"Hello there" I said in my sweetest, most feminine voice.

"Hello-" he opened his eyes, stopped talking, and let down carefree appearance.

"Okay, I want to know what the hell is happening"

He grew a bit dark and serious "don't we all"

He started making me really mad. "Yeah, I think we would!"

"Hush, they'll hear you"


He sighed. "Quiet down, calm yourself, and when you've done that, come see my outside" and with that he regained his demeanor, got up, and walked out.

I wanted to start screaming at him. What kind of person does that? I scoffed and shadow punched his face.

Suddenly, I became aware of how heavy I was breathing; how hard my heart was beating. I worked on slowing down my vital signs, then decided to follow up on what he had offered, because, because-

"I knew you'd turn around!" he said much too cheerfully.

I let out a long, exasperated sigh, then stayed silent.

"What, no words?"

I stayed silent once more.

"Come on, why the long face?"


"Uh, yes" He straightened up "Just follow,".

"Why should I?"

"Because...just follow me"


"For" he paused "sake, just. Follow"

"I said no!"

"Please!" he grabbed my arm and said with desperation and pleading in his eyes. It took me by surprise.


"Thank you"

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