Chapter 3-New Jobs

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Jessica's Point of View

"IthinkyoushouldhireKristy" I said quickly because, I knew that if I waited to actually think about it, I would actually make the right choice.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Evans asked.

I sighed before answering "Yes"

"Okay then, would you like to call her and let her know she got the job then?"

"Yeah, sure." I said sounding defeated.

I can't believe I really hated James so much that I would agree to work with Kristy-- my thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Evans who was calling my name. "Have you decided whether or not you want to take the full time job?' he asked me.

"Yes, I would love to work here full time after school" I said emphasizing the last part.

"Of course, after school" he said as if he had already made that clear.

"Wait!" I said realizing something for the first time "what hours would I be working?"

"3:30-5:45 pm" he answered "I have already talked to your parents about it and they are fine with it."

"Okay" I said not sure if that was a good or bad thing. "I will just have to not tutor after school" I thought aloud.

"Oh and Jessica" Mr. Evans said "you can go home now it is getting late.

"Okay. Thanks" I said while looking down at my phone and finding it was almost 6:00.

I decided I would just go home in my uniform; it needed to be washed anyways. Luckily, I only live a few blocks away, so I began the journey home.

I was walking past a bunch of houses when an expensive car rolled by. A guy in the passengers rolled down his window, whistled at me, and drove off.

"That was awkward" I mumbled to the ground.

Seeing I was still in my short uniform skirt I realized why he whistled, this thing is short.

Seeing multiple cars in our drive way I rolled my eyes. My brother who was two years older than me was always having his friends over to "chill" which usually involved them sitting in front of the TV eating until we had no food left. This only happened when my parents were away, and they were away for a funeral.

"Hey, Will" I said grabbing some pizza from the box on the couch.

"Hey, Jessie" he said back absentmindedly. A few of his friends mumbled hey to me as well. I went up to my room and began my homework.

Thirty minutes later my homework was done and I was going downstairs. My brother and his friends were sprawled out all over the place watching who-knows-what.

I decided to go on a walk to hopefully get more into shape. It wasn't late yet, so parents were at the local playground with their kids.

Two kids came to my attention. A girl and a boy were sitting together at the top of the big slide. They were around the age of ten. The boy sat there saying things I could not hear to the girl. Even though it was getting dark, I could see the blush creeping into her checks. That sight brought so many memories to me.

When I was in Kindergarten, I met my best friend, Jason. After convicting me that he didn't have cooties, we became inseparable. Our moms were already good friends and we lived right next door to each other so we spent all of our time together. Every night we would come to this park and play. We began to grow up and get more friends, but we still spent every weekend and vacation together. If you were looking for one of us, you would always find both of us. When we were in the fifth grade, he told me one night at the park that he was moving away. He told me he was moving to New York. I began crying. I don't know what came over me, I guess it was the realization that I lived in Colorado and he, my best friend, was moving to New York.

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