1: Stressed Out

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[ Zoe's POV ]

Oh my god. I've not filmed a video for tomorrow! I even need to edit yesterday's vlog. 

I opened my fridge only to see a bowl of hummus and vegetables left.

I need to go grocery shopping too! Being a YouTuber is not easy at all.

I hear Nala barking from downstairs and it doesn't help with this massive headache I have. I rub my temples and rush downstairs to see at the back door, wanting to go out and pee. Alfie was relaxing on the sofa, vlogging, yet he couldn't get up to help OUR dog.

"Alfie, our dog needed to pee." I say, opening the door for her as she runs out after holding the pee for so long.

"Yeah, so? I'm vlogging, can't you see?" He raises his voice which startles me. I force a smile to appear as I was joking so things don't get heated up. I hated when he raised his voice. He rolls his eyes and continues vlogging.

Then it was time for some chores. With the remaining amount of lettuce in our fridge, I tear out a few leaves and place it in Pippin and Percy's cage. I replied to a few emails in my office - which was a huge mess. 

Alfie had dumped some of his belongings in here including his segway, his tripods and boxes of all his equipment. He claimed his office was 'too small', and so he had to chuck everything in mine which I spent hours decorating last time.

He comes into the office. "I am going to see a movie with Chai. He's in Brighton for a week." He places his bag over his shoulders. I glare at him and the mess he has done in my office, to tell him with eye contact to clear his mess.

"Yeah, I'll just clean that later." He brushes it off, just like always. Then he heads out the door. 

At least now that Alfie's gone for awhile, I can have some alone time and think.

Just as he leaves, my eye catches the clock. Oh my god, it's already 4 pm! I head upstairs to see my phone full of text messages and 6 missed calls from Amy, my book editor.

Shit. I was supposed to reschedule our meeting.

I shoot her a quick text, grab my purse and headed to town. Hopefully, the people out here are nice today.


I went to the supermarket first, then to Lush. I needed to get a gift set for a friend. It was hard for me to resist purchasing anything, even though I had at least 200 Lush products at home.

It was 6 pm by the time I finished all my shopping, so I decided to stop for an evening tea to take a pause with all this stress.


I popped in a small cafe, which was hidden deep inside Gallaway Street. It was called Jeffrey's Hut and it was the most adorable cafe I've ever seen. How I wish I brought my camera along! This cafe is perfect for another blog post. It had vintage antiques and cute bean bags inside.

I sat at a table by the window, only so I could get great lighting for the photos of what I've ordered which were a slice of red velvet cake and a cup of Jasmine tea.

I took a sip of the tea and finally, for the first time in this week, I felt calm. As if all my problems have disappeared somehow and a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Zoe?! I didn't know you came to this cafe too."

✄ ✄ ✄

Hello, y'all! Welcome back to my cringy-writing when I was 12. My grammar and vocabulary were the worst, oh my goodness. I'm currently going through MAJOR editing for this story so there's still a few chapters where you can spot my bad grammar.

[ by harper gray ]

[ updated: may 19th 2017 ]

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