A Dinner To Never Forget

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As they sat down the restaurant went quiet, the noise level only resuming once they were properly settled. Dodger sat at the head of the rectangular table, Edendir to his left and Aunt Katy to his right. Lilly sat next to Aunt Katy and Boyd was next to Edendir, Dylan next to him. The one empty seat was for Vassago, if he returned.

"Here are some menus," a young waitress said, sashaying over and bending low as she gave Dodger his menu. "Call me when you're ready to order. My name's Candy, just so you know." She smiled at Dodger and he twitched an eyebrow, smirking. 

"Subtly flirtatious," Boyd muttered. "He's going for her but only slightly, not enough for the papers to get involved."

"He plays a wise game," Dylan said approvingly. "No wonder he's called Dodger."

"I can hear you," Dodger said, fixing both boys with a stern yet forgiving gaze. "But I'm glad you've noticed. If you two can, Candy certainly can."

"You're such a player," Lilly said, shaking her head.

"Says you," Dylan shot back. "How many boyfriends have you had this week? Twelve?"

"Last time I counted it was fifteen," Boyd chipped in.

"More like twenty," Edendir said, joining the conversation. "And I'm fairly certain that was just in the last two days."

"Stop teasing her, you lot," Aunt Katy scolded. "It's not very nice and we don't want to ruin this, do we? How must Mister Dodger feel?"

"Just Dodger, please," Dodger said, grinning. "And this is some of the best entertainment I've seen all day."

"Either way, stop it," Aunt Katy said. Edendir sat back in his chair and folded his arms, Boyd and Dylan mirroring the position.

"Can we get drinks?" Lilly whined, tugging on the white tablecloth. "I'm thirsty. That theatre place was really hot inside."

"Drinks is a good idea," Dodger nodded. "Pick what you want, quickly, and I'll call Candy over again."

Menus were picked up and eyes scanned lists. Edendir kept on asking Dylan what the drinks were and Boyd was trying to persuade Dodger to let him have alcohol. Candy walked by and Dodger caught her hand.

"Could we have some drinks, please?" he asked in a soft voice, a gentle smile on his face. "If it's not too much bother, of course."

Candy blushed and took up her little notebook and pencil. "What do you want?"

The drinks were ordered with a glass of water for Vassago and Candy walked away again. As soon as she was out of earshot Dodger spoke, leaning forwards on the table, hands clasped under his chin.

"So, how are you all connected?" Dodger asked. "Seeing as we have a bit of time on our hands. This restaurant is good but old fashioned and sort of slow."

"Dylan is my nephew," Aunt Katy said, "and Lilly is my daughter. Dyl lives with us because his parents died some years ago."

"They didn't just die," Dylan growled, "they were murdered. Killed for being who they were."

"My sister and her husband," Aunt Katy said. "And Dylan's step dad. My sister was caught in an explosion meant to only kill Charlie and Andrew."

"I was raised by Dad and Andrew," Dylan explained. "Mum helped, too, but she was ill."

"Rare cancer," Aunt Katy said in a quiet voice. "A cancer that was genetic."

Dylan's eyes went wide. "So I might have it?"

"No, no, you were checked the second she found out," Aunt Katy assured him. "Everyone was."

"Good," Boyd said, putting an arm around Dylan's shoulders. "I don't want Dylan to suddenly die."

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