Chapter-12-Ashegham Karde ( عاشقم کرده )Made Me Fall in Love-Part 2

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As Jemre's awareness sharpened as she woke up, she began to notice the familiar details of the room around her—the soft light filtering through the white curtains, the comforting scent she had missed, and the gentle hum of music that interrupted t...

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As Jemre's awareness sharpened as she woke up, she began to notice the familiar details of the room around her—the soft light filtering through the white curtains, the comforting scent she had missed, and the gentle hum of music that interrupted the morning's quietude. These familiar elements painted a contrast to the unexpected events of the night, grounding her in the reality of the present moment.

Reluctant to leave the comfort of the bed, Jemre sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes and yawning. As she took a deep breath, she turned to glance at the clock. The display revealed it was only ten o'clock, surprisingly late even for her. The coziness of the bed seemed to hold her in its embrace, creating a momentary pause before the day unfolded.

Looking around, her bed partner was nowhere to be found. The distant music hinted that he might be downstairs. The sudden realization struck her – the electricity had been fixed!

As the realization settled in, the memory of sharing her bed with him rushed back. The lingering desire from Jack's lips grazing her shoulder, as he held her all night, added a layer of complexity to this morning.

The recollection painted a vivid picture of the night: entwined beneath the covers, their silhouettes dancing against the night's backdrop. In the quiet intimacy, he held her close, a comforting embrace that transcended words. Moonlight spilt through the curtains, bearing witness to their tableau of warmth and vulnerability. Navigating the silent spaces between words, they found solace in the simple act of holding each other until the soft hues of morning light gently embraced their shared refuge.

The unexpected intimacy now played in contrast to the mundane tasks of the day, creating a blend of shyness, tension, and excitement in the air, making the day ahead feel charged with a different kind of energy.

Her mind begins to shift from the last night's memories to the reality of the day ahead. She thought about the tasks and situation she was in and felt a sense of anticipation mixed with a hint of anxiety and the ordinary routine seemed to bear the weight of newfound emotions

Jemre slid out of bed, her feet meeting the cold wooden floor, a shiver coursing through her body. Glancing down, she realized her camisole dress offered little protection against the harsh cold. Her cheeks coloured immediately, as the awareness of being half-naked in his arms the night before surfaced.

Which never happened before.

And yet again the hunger for deeper connection echoed in the depths of his gaze last night as she appeared to him with her camisole dress, was foreign.

The dark night helped conceal half of her body; Now, in the unforgiving morning light, the vulnerability of the moment will not.

Not as bold as the previous night, she hesitated to stand in front of him. Seeking some peace to start her day, she spotted his sleeping T-shirt on a chair, deciding it would serve as a good cover for now. Slipping into it, she ventured out in search of her bed partner, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty lingering in her steps as she embarked on the morning's quest to find him.

 Slipping into it, she ventured out in search of her bed partner, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty lingering in her steps as she embarked on the morning's quest to find him

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