Sneak Peek of Chapter -12 Ashegham Karde ( عاشقم کرده )Made Me Fall in Love

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His eyes traced the contours of her features, lingering on the subtle details that whispered stories of vulnerability and strength. Automatically his hand rose, brushing her hair from her face.

And thought crossed his mind about how they ended up in this position. It seemed at some point in the night, spooning had turned to sleep snuggling & which had become cuddling.

Then his fingertips moved with deliberate slowness along her bare arm, from elbow to shoulder, a tactile exploration that revealed the luxurious sensation of her soft skin beneath his touch.

The journey was a deliberate dance, each stroke an ode to the delicate intimacy shared in that quiet moment. His fingers, attuned to the subtle nuances of her skin, traced an affectionate map, and in that unhurried touch, awakened an undeniable desire that surged from his fingertips to the depths of his being.

Not thinking twicely he reached closer burying his nose in her exposed neck, he inhaled deeply, imprinting the lovely scent of hers on his senses.

At that moment a magnetic pull left him wanting more. The curve of her exposed neck became a canvas inviting exploration. Jenk, drawn by an irresistible impulse, lingered near, captivated by the vulnerability of that revealed skin. The allure of her bare neck whispered promises of intimacy, and in that delicate exposure, a subtle invitation for deeper connection unfolded.

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