PART 12-Ashegham Karde ( عاشقم کرده )Made Me Fall in Love

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believe that everywhere became heaven with you

can't write something

till would reach to it in a day

something like love

you're my wit and attention in this days

You know that you'r mine

you're in all of my memories

I can not not want you anymore

You're somewhat else to me

wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love

who takes this heart only with a word

Your place is here , in a corner of my heart

me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?

wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love

who takes this heart only with a word

your place is here in a corner of my heart

me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?

It has this feeling towards you only

My heart is without will in front of you

I lost myself in your eyes

Cause i love you it's very simple

I die for you in every way

I won't lose you easily

I want you the excitement of my heart

Is fabulous for loving you

wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love

who takes this heart only with a word

Your place is here , in a corner of my heart

me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?

wish come back the one who i'm fallen in love

who takes this heart only with a word

Your place is here , in a corner of my heart

me and you are lovers, why don't tell this to all?

Behnam Bani-Ashegham Karde 

The rhythmic dance of waves caressing the shore could be heard outside the window, a symphony of nature's melody echoing against the sandy canvas

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The rhythmic dance of waves caressing the shore could be heard outside the window, a symphony of nature's melody echoing against the sandy canvas. Each wave painted a transient masterpiece, leaving whispers of the sea's timeless embrace as the gentle morning light tiptoed through the curtains, casting a warm embrace upon the world, awakening it with a soft, golden glow, and bothering Jenks, as it did his eyes slowly fluttered open taking on the surroundings of the unfamiliar place yet..... known.

He felt the sun's warmth on his face as his foggy mind, still under the spell of slumber, started to grasp where he had spent his last night and with whom.

Instantly a smile appeared on his face making him joyful to start this beautiful morning.

To release the listlessness Jenk stretched his body, feeling the stiffness of their muscles as they extended. However, the weight on his chest prevented him from more movement.

Tilting his head down he found his little wife sound asleep on his chest. His Jemre was peacefully sleeping with her arms around his middle, immediately a grin drawn upon his lips, as the details of last night conjured both vivid and elusive fading embers of a captivating story.

Jemre looked stunning in that caramel-coloured camisole dress that clung to her every curve, creating a silhouette that hinted at both allure and sophistication.

The delicate straps embraced her shoulders, revealing a hint of marble skin and her velvety bosom, while the flowing hem whispered secrets about her long soft legs.

The fabric danced around her, weaving a tale of effortless grace and timeless beauty. Her presence, wrapped in the camisole dress, echoed a chapter from a novel, where elegance met a subtle, captivating allure.

And he lost focus on anything else, just that tiny dress and what was beneath it.

Regardless, Jemre wanted to deprive him of this feeling! Not Allowing him to share her bed, holding her until the morning light. Jenk has been dreaming of this moment for months.

So he did what was correct, threw away the obstacle between them -that she had placed- and pulled her into his arms....

So he did what was correct, threw away the obstacle between them -that she had placed- and pulled her into his arms

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Hi! Friend the rest of the Chapter you would find on You can find the like in my profile.

The Chapter will be divided into four parts, on these days below

The Parts Schedule:-

1-22 JAN 2024

2-25 JAN 2024

3-10 FEB 2024

This is the only story that would be on Patreon; please spread some love.

Love you all,


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