11-Hoy Tengo Ganas to(Today I want you)Part-3

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Night fell hard and fast, the black sky dropping like the curtain at the end of a show, heavy and dark and something, but at least the rain had ceased at last. It started to rain suddenly after they arrived at the cabin. Cemre sank onto the closest chair in the living room, her hand over her chest and a scowl on her lips. After cleaning what needed to be cleaned, as soon as they returned, Cenk was a great help, he did whatever she said. But now, as she watched him going through her mother's library like an enthusiastic student, wasting time and avoiding talking about the critical topic only increased her resentment.

"Impressive! Your mom has a significant collection of books! Was she a Khaled Hosseini fan? She has all his collection!"Cenk was amazed by the collection; her mother had great taste. Khaled Hosseini's novels responded to the heartbreak of the current Afghan refugee crisis with this beautifully illustrated short work of fiction for people of all ages all over the world. His first novel was the New York Times bestseller The Kite Runner.

Taking a book from the rack. "I am a big fan of his. And one of my favourites is..." his eyebrows joined together, trying to remember, "I don't know the name but memorize some of the lines. Yeah!.....A wretched, wretched thing. It isn't like a mother's womb...."

" It won't bleed. It won't stretch to make room for you. from his book A Thousand Splendid Suns. This is My favourite book too." she said smiling; it was nice to know they had something in common, not just a surname.

Cenk beamed, thinking Cemre was his perfect match; why couldn't he see it before!?'"I have booked two tickets for the Opera. I would like you to accompany me."

"What about your father?"The offer literally surprised her.

"My father has a wife to accompany him. And besides, I would prefer your company over his. So what do you say?"

'Cenk preferred her company?! This was a major development!' "I am not sure about it right now. But thanks for the offer."

"Of course, you are not!" He threw himself beside her on the sofa. " When it comes to me, there's always an excuse!" he said with fake sadness.

Cemre shifted so her whole body faced him, sitting sideways on the sofa. "When did that even happen!"She angrily said, "It was always your wish that was fulfilled. Every party and every occasion I attended with you!"But the grin that smudged his face exposed him. Cenk was having fun by teasing her, " You picking fights purposely! Aren't you?" she added more.

"I love it when you get angry at me." It was his turn to shift his body towards her, facing her, as their knees brushed each other.

"Are you making fun of me?!"

" Of course not! But I like how your lips pout together, and your nose wrinkles; it's cute. You look cute." his eyes were sprinkling with actual feelings. He loved everything about her; even when she was angry at him, especially when she was mad at him, she looked sexy.

It took a moment for Cemre to compose herself enough even to nod, let alone find her voice, her shoulders shaking when she finally said, "I will think about it ."She replied, changing the subject and ignoring the grin, nearly splitting his face in two. He was openly flirting with her; nevertheless, She'd give in with dignity and would get her payback when the morning arrived.

"It's getting late, and I am getting tired. Suppose you are not willing to talk. I think we better go to sleep." Cemre stood up, not giving him a chance to bewilder her more.

"Great!" he stood too, with enthusiasm; however, it changed when Cemre hilted on her place, glancing back at him.

" And no, we will not share the same room." and left him before he objected.

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