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Author's pov

Samantha and all 3 of them were completely shocked seeing Damien near her feet. The man of pride who never bowed down in front of anyone is touching her feet. It isn't rocket science that he did that to apologise to her. For a while they all were in utter shock but when Samantha realised what he was doing she tried to take her legs away from Damien's hand.

Keyword: tried! She was nothing in front of his strength but here he was hurt using 1 percent of his power still she couldn't set herself free.

"Damien, what are you doing? Leave my feet. Don't do this please. Why are you making me a sinner? Please get up." Samantha said panicking instead of Damien getting up other 3 fell down on their knees as well near her feet making her more panicked

"What are you all doing? Why are you doing this? Leave my feet. Don't do it." Samantha begged this time

She can't take this anymore. Her husbands are touching her feet that is a sin and they are making her a sinner by doing this.

"Forgive us Samantha please. We are really sorry for whatever we did. We were blinded by anger and misunderstood you. We did many horrible things to you Samantha forgive us for that." Damien said and started crying like a child

Samantha's heart clenched in pain seeing the sight of her husband crying.

"We all are sinners Samantha please forgive us. We didn't want to kill you but it happened. Please forgive us." Lucifer said he was crying as well so are others

They are burning in the fire of guilt. They say the biggest punishment one can get is regret and not having the chance to change something they did in the past. Your conscience doesn't let you be at peace. It eats you from inside slowly bit by bit and no one can even understand that.

"All of you get up right now. If you don't then I will not talk to you all." Samantha said but it didn't work with them she couldn't bend down or move because of her baby bump which is stopping her from moving

They weren't in a mood to listen to her words. They were busy asking forgiveness from her which she gave them 4 billion years ago itself in the form of this second chance to get her. They couldn't understand this simple thing that if she wanted to leave she would have left a long time ago by killing herself completely. Only she can kill herself if not them and she chose to live for them, with them.

"If you don't leave me I will hurt myself." Samantha said and it worked

"Please Samantha don't hurt yourself. Not for us! We aren't worthy of it. We aren't worth it. Never ever hurt yourself because of us no matter what happens." Damien said as he left her feet but didn't got up

"Do you want me to sit on the ground with My baby bump? Do you want me to be in pain? No right then to get up. Dark Lords don't cry like this! They are men with pride they don't beg. I am not someone in front whom you should beg." Samantha said and all 4 become Tyler again

"I know you're the epitome of goodness but why are you so good Samantha for us? Just why? I don't deserve it still you're here with me. Why do you love me so much?" Tyler asked as his eyes are teary as well

It's a rare sight that Tyler Morningstar is crying. He never cried from the time he came to existence but today he broke down in tears.

"Get up Tyler you belong to my side not near my feet. It's my place not yours. If you don't get up I will sit near your feet as well." Samantha said and Tyler got up

"Your place is my heart Samantha not feet. You're not my slave! You're my equal, the other half never think of yourself as anything else than that. I love you so much." Tyler said and hugged Samantha

THE MEPHISTOPHELES BOOK 2 18+Where stories live. Discover now