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Author's pov

Anya composed herself when she saw Rishav in front of her.

"What do you want more Rishav? Why are you here after everything?" Anya asked him

Rishav stared at her silently as if he was examining her. He took a step towards her which alerted Anya.

"Stay where you're Rishav, don't come near me." Anya said but Rishav didn't listen to her

He just hugged her tightly and closed his eyes. Anya was confused with his behaviour. Why will he just hug her out of nowhere?

"What are you doing? Leave me!" Anya said trying to get out of his hold

"Just a minute please." Rishav pleaded which made Anya stop moving

She let him hug her for a while and waited for him to leave her on his own.

Rishav left her and cupped her cheek lovingly.

"Got what you wanted, little birdie?" he asked her smiling

"What do you mean by that?" Anya asked confused and tried to push his hand away from her face

His touch burns her with something which she herself doesn't know what it is. So it's better if she is not in contact with him.

"Quit pretending will you?" he asked taking two steps away from her taking his hands

"I am not understanding anything you're saying, Rishav. Stop your nonsense and leave my room right now. Your human has done enough to me. What more do you want?" Anya asked him

"We know what you did Little Birdie. We know that you're the one who is behind everything. You joined hands with Leila and framed my human. I don't understand why you say we are bad because we hide things from you and lie but what did you do? Samantha you tell me do you think what she did was the correct thing to do?" Rishav asked both of them

"Dark Lord I know whatever she did was wrong but what your human was doing is wrong too. I am sorry for it but this needs to end. Leave from here Dark Lord please don't bother us. You have left my babies alive, thank you for that." Samantha said to Rishav

"What did I even expect from you? You never thought about us, not now, not before. You always thought about yourself. You left us alone to live a better life. You betrayed us before as well you betrayed us now as well." Rishav said and Samantha looked at him angrily

"Sure I never thought about you and I don't wish to think about you either and I never left you on my own. It was you who killed me. It's always you who kills me Dark Lord" Samantha said and went inside

Rishav didn't show but her words affected him a lot. No matter what they say they love her at the end of the day.

"Do you have anything else to say? If not then leave!" Anya said sternly

"Why? Why did you do that Little Birdie?" Rishav asked with a sad look

Samantha's words and Anya's behaviour both have hurted him.

"That's what you deserve." Anya said but didn't dare to look at him

If she did she wouldn't have been able to stay strong.

"Oh really? That's what I deserve? Does my human deserve the tag of being a cheater? He never looked at anyone but you and you framed him as a cheater wow! He loved you truly and you betrayed him like this. Fine if this is what I deserve then I will quit being what I'm not just because I love you. You started this, I will end it now. It's you vs me now." Rishav said angrily

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