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Author's pov

Lilithia screamed in fear when she saw Damien changing his form. He was taking a form where his head is like a goat which has big horns above it and body covered with black fur but has human shape. He is abnormally tall, approximately 20 ft and has a dark aura around him. His eyes were fiery red as if his eyes were holding lava in them, not his usual charcoal black. His nails are equal to a wolf's nails. He is looking like a giant horrifying creature. Which can't be defeated at any cost. He looked at her for once and if it was someone else then she would have fainted in fear.

She has no idea that someone can look this dangerous as well. She saw his handsome and attractive form which made her feel for him but now she is afraid of him but does she hate him? Of Course not! Her love isn't gonna fade away just because he looks dangerous and scary.

"If you can't give me my Samantha back then you have no purpose to live either. You don't respect women, you see them as a toy but they aren't toys. How dare you utter those things for my Samantha? How dare you say that I should keep Lilith and have relationships with other women? " Damien asked his creator maliciously the changed voice was making it sound more dangerous than normal time

He is very angry and that's why he has changed his form into this one. This is his real Dark Lord form, the most powerful form of his. In this form he is walking destruction. He has lost his mind completely because his creator has insulted his love and his mate both along with women.

"I am your creator don't forget that Morningstar, you can't beat me ever I am more powerful than you. If you are going to cry over a woman like this then I'm going to destroy you and create someone else for my work. You're pathetic." voice of Universe said infuriated seeing how rebellious his creature was being for a woman

He didn't create him to cry over a woman! What is a woman? Just a body to satisfy men! Just a womb to carry children and give birth to them. They are replaceable. Why make a fuss over it? Lilithia can do everything which Samantha was supposed to do so what's the matter with the mates? It's good that she is replaced and another one is here. He will get as many mates as he wants. There is no problem but still he is crying over one weak woman.

"Stop saying that you will kill my mate Creator! He is my mate and I won't let you do any harm to him." Lilithia said gathering some courage

She is weak because she is a new born but she will fight for her mate no matter if he wants her or not she still won't let him get hurt at any cost. She loves him even if he doesn't love her so what? Does that mean she won't fight for him?

"How dare you woman to talk in that tone with me? Have you forgotten your place? You're just a weakling, remember that! How will you protect him when you can't even protect yourself? I can kill you this moment for raising your voice in front of me? You dared to look at me and say things you're not supposed to, these have consequences and you're going to get it back." voice of Universe said and picked Lilithia up in air using his powers

He was choking her, planning to end her pathetic life and create someone else when something happened and she fell on the ground. She looked at Damien who cut the voice of Universe's web and saved her life.

She couldn't help but fall for him more and more. He saved her where he doesn't even want her; he isn't supposed to do that. She developed respect for him as well.

"You can't harm her creator, not in my presence. You forgot that what you're creating isn't a weak creature who is afraid of you but you're creating a fearless creature who isn't going to bow down in front of anyone." He said and created a black smoke globe around the power source

"What are you doing? You can't kill me! I am your creator! You can't go against me. Free me this instant from this," voice of Universe shouted angrily

"Then why are you so afraid creator? If I can't do anything then why bother yourself by shouting like a mad creature? Why can't you get out of it on your own? I will love to see you trying then getting tired and wasting your energy" Damien asked tilting his head a bit with a psychotic grin on his face

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