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Okay my dear readers I guess a few of you aren't able to understand what's happening here so to clear that. Whatever Samantha told Anya about her and Damien's life was a lie. White lie! It wasn't even Samantha but someone else who acted like her in front of Anya. Crystal was real she wasn't any facade. At the end of book 1 the woman who spoke to them was the real Samantha who was accusing them for all the wrong things they did.

Now don't judge anyone to soon anyone because there are many things going on which I will reveal with time. You will find many things done by many people but that doesn't actually makes them bad or good just for that act.

In second book I'm showing what is the real story of Samantha and Damien. How things were before and why things changed later.

Hope I am able to clear your doubts till an extant. If any doubts are there ask me if it isn't a spoiler I will definitely answer you.

This book is work of fiction you may find mythological references here but they are twisted and different from what everyone knows.

Don't take it seriously or get offended because I am going to change how you look upon the mythology and mythological creatures.

Author's pov 

Damien was feeling clueless about everything he doesn't know anything here. He didn't encounter any living beings till now except animals. He doubts there are any living beings like him or not. 

While walking he felt very tired and thirsty. He didn't have a drop of water from yesterday. He went to the river where he went yesterday for Samantha. He drank water from there and filled his stomach. He searched for any fishes in the river but found none. He can hunt a few in his wolf form but nothing was available there. 

He was feeling hungry and as Samantha in his dream said that he needs to take care of himself so he will listen to her but to eat he needs to find something edible. He searched all the trees in search of fruits but found none. He can sense if something is poisonous for him and everything present here is poisonous. 

He is a newborn, very much weaker than the creatures who have existed for a long time. He is searching for someone who can guide him. There should be a few living beings according to his knowledge which he possesses from birth. 

After having water he was feeling more hungry now but he has not found any edible fruits. 

He can't shift to his wolf or use his wings because of weakness. He has to walk continuously to get out of the forest. There must be some place where he can find food. If he can't get food how would he have fed Samantha if she stayed with him? 

He needs to do something and find food. A few days passed and finally he was out of the forest. 

He didn't find anything to eat in this time span and now he is terribly weak. It will be a miracle if he doesn't faint because of hunger and weakness. 

Luck wasn't on his side for sure but he is Damien Morningstar the Dark Lord he can bend the luck on his side and he will do it. 

He can see a few people who were very much different from him. They looked like walking trees to him with green veins and blue eyes along with brown skin. They are the old ones, the creatures who existed before him. Who isn't any competition to him either but at this point he needs their help. 

By now mostly all the creatures know that the voice of Universe has created the Dark Lord and his mate. They are very much afraid of him as the description of the Dark Lord they heard was terrifying to them. 

THE MEPHISTOPHELES BOOK 2 18+Where stories live. Discover now