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Author's pov

The temperature was dropping suddenly which scared all the creatures who were present there. Only Lilithia is strong in all the creatures, others are not that strong yet. They are worried about what is happening there.

"What is happening here miss? Why is the sun gone and it's so cold?" one of the creature asked Lilith who is worried very much

"I don't know anything about it but I can guess that the Dark Lord isn't fine. Something has happened to him. I need to check him!" Lilith said and tried to go inside his hut but failed again

"All of you go inside your huts don't come out until I call you all out." Lilithia ordered them and they obeyed

Even though they have their male ego which stops them from listening to a woman, they are scared of her very much because she is very close to their creator and powerful as well.

They all went to their places and locked the doors.

"Dark Lord, please open the door! Are you fine? Everyone is scared they need your Guidance. Come out for your creatures!" Lilithia begged but nothing happened

She tried again and again but nothing worked.

On the other hand inside the hut Damien was sitting on the floor while tears weren't stopping at all. He didn't bother to stop himself or try to wipe them. He let the tears flow and scratched his hand with his nails drawing out blood. It can't hurt him more than his heart is already hurting. He thought that she loves him and she feels what he feels for her. She also wants to come back to him but he was completely wrong. She isn't concerned about him at all. She is living a good life without him.

She isn't alone there and here he is suffering from loneliness for so long. He rejected his second mate just because he loves her and can't get over her. She didn't even try to talk to him. She knows he goes there everyday but still she chose to ignore him.

He started laughing at himself because he is a fool. He has made a joke of himself. Lilithia was correct all the time but he was defending his Samantha. He is the bad guy right then why did she forget him? He is loyal to her then why is she not loyal to him? Only engaging with another partner doesn't mean cheating. Cheating can look like forgetting or ignoring your partner as well which is happening to him. He doesn't deserve this. Why should he go through this? Why should he suffer alone? They are soulmates and soulmates are meant to be together and love each other.

He is feeling weak at this moment he so wishes. that someone was there for him who would understand his pain exactly. Who will know what he is going through. Alas! There is no one who will feel his pain because only he knows what he is feeling and only his part can feel it.

He truly wished for someone who would be with him at this moment when his soul mate left him.

"Did she never ever love me? Am I the only one who is in love with her? Am I the only one who is suffering in her love? Is every pain I'm facing just a waste? She doesn't feel anything?" Damien asked himself and the answer was crystal clear to him

He doesn't understand what he should do? Should he leave Samantha as she is? Should he let her live as she is? Then what will happen to him? He can't live without her. The sole reason behind his existence is her, the hope that one day he will get her as his.

If she likes comfort he will give her that. If she is a queen then he will become an Emperor for her. He will create his own kingdom and create everything then he will bring her. He will be her equal or more than Equal.

"Will you be able to forgive her Damien?" someone asked him and surprisingly it was same as his voice

He looked in front of him and found a reflection of his standing in front of him. He was dumbfounded and alerted because he isn't supposed to have someone here in front of him who looks exactly like him.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES BOOK 2 18+Where stories live. Discover now