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This chapter is equal of 2 chapters so don't say I didn't updated twice this chapter is crucial that's why it took me time to write it and from next chapter present will start

Author's pov

Time is no one's friend, it never stops for anyone. It passes on its own. No one's life stops for anyone it never did nor it will ever do. 200 million years have passed since Damien has started meditating to awaken the powers of his which will lead him to Samantha. Not for once he opened his eyes or his concentration wavered. Lilithia often sits outside of the hut where he is meditating inside when she is done with her work. She misses him very much. It's been ages since she has seen him. Many things have changed. Risentria is doing well now they hehe created homes for the creatures who are existing now the work for the castle has started as well. Damien has designed everything before going; he planned out everything and they all are following his plans.

Loneliness has grasped her heart completely as she remembers her old days with her Dark Lord. Those are golden days for her even though they are practically living a tough life with no luxury or any good thing but with him beside this also feels like a royal life to her.

She sometimes wonders what will happen when he will get Samantha? Will he forget her? Will he not treat her as he does now? Will their relationship end? Her heart fears the separation which will come soon. The selfish side of hers prays that he never gets Samantha back in his life so he will be with her even if not as soulmate but as friend. Even though she thinks of herself as his wife if not permanent than temporary it is.

She loves him and why shouldn't she? A guy who can wait for his woman for millions of years deserves all the love of this world. Any girl will be blessed to have this kind of love for herself. She has seen him suffering without her but not for once he thought to give up on her. His emotions changed with time. That's different but still he loves her and wants her even though he wants to destroy her and punish her for not loving him for not trying to be with him for not even talking to him once.

What would have happened if she talked to him once if she isn't at fault? Sometimes when we love someone beyond limit and everything it becomes poison for us and his love and obsession with Samantha is equal to poison for him. Yes Damien is obsessed with her, he doesn't know what is there to be obsessed with her but he is. Those 30 minutes of his life changed everything for him. He was hit with love and madness both over Samantha and she became the sole reason for his existence. If she had died and got destroyed he would have destroyed himself without thinking twice.

His love is both Harsh and Divine together. If everything goes well it's the most Ethereal experience if everything gets messed up then it's the most horrible experience. He is the epitome of evilness but only she can bring out some goodness out of him.

Lilith hissed in pain as the needle pierced her finger's skin. Currently she is making a shirt for Damien. He always kept his upper portion bare but now it's time he starts covering himself properly. It's a good thing that she is the only female here but still he should do it.

She never felt threatened by anyone here rather everyone stayed under her leadership. They all listen to her. It's not that she will let anyone disobey her. Damien has made her so strong that 100 men together can't defeat her at all. She can fight them easily. She has trained their army which has almost 200 soldiers for now. They all are still working on Risentria and the complete Risentria has time to come out in front of everyone yet. Once it will be ready completely it's going to be the strongest and richest kingdom compared with other kingdoms. She knows that because Damien is behind it and when he starts something he changes its condition he can polish anything which is cheap and make it expensive.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES BOOK 2 18+Where stories live. Discover now