Chapter 45: The clock runs out

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***This chapter contains a scene of sexual nature, though it is not narrated in detail, but summarized. For those who are wary of such writing, just skip the section, bordered by "|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|" above and below it. Please don't skip the entire chapter, for you will regret it later. Thank you!***

Chapter 45:

The clock runs out

Thorin leads us through the winding tunnels of Erebor, taking lefts and rights at intersections and passages. I cannot help but gape at his knowledge of this kingdom, but then I remember that he grew up here. On the other hand, when I become queen, I can only hope to figure out the maps of the Mountain, and not get lost on a daily basis. As for now, however, I am stuck with alternating tour guides, leading me to and from rooms inside the Lonely Mountain.

After some time, and a number of confusing turns, I find myself waiting by Thorin's side at a bedroom door. Removing my hand from his, I push open the door of large height with the intention of flopping down on the bed and passing out. However, before I can make a further move into the room, I notice the absence of my stuff and the changed appearance of the furniture. This is surely not the room I chose earlier, for the ceilings reach higher than before, walls a rich sapphire blue, and bed canopied with sheer draperies. Overall, the room is at least twice as big as mine, and more ornately decorated with jewels and gold. Turning back to Thorin in confusion, I find him staring at me, as if waiting for my response.

"This is not my room..." I drawl, pushing the dwarf king aside and stepping back out into the hallway. Not a few footsteps away, I realize I have no idea how to find my bedroom, once again, and return my gaze to Thorin. A look of desperation crosses my face, as I desire to sleep, but the dwarf king holds an expression of hidden humour. It is obvious that he will not help me get back to my own room, so I must find it myself.

Grunting as I turn back around, my feet return the way I came, only making a few strides before a hand on my hip stops me. Thorin turns me back around, looking deep into my eyes as I gape upon him with open mouth.

"It is my room. You can get your things in the morning, but for now, we must rest," Thorin explains, pulling my slightly reluctant body back into his bedroom before shutting the door. Looking about again, I criticize myself for not realizing Thorin's obvious ownership of such a room, for only he would have everything coated in blue paint. I chuckle a bit, instead, moving to the closet to find some night clothes of my own.

Though the clothes are similar to Thorin's current apparel, I find a sapphire tunic of my size hanging in the rear of the closet, coated in dust. Pulling it out and whipping it about, dust attacks my nose and I can't help but fall into a coughing and sneezing attack. Thorin, from the other side of the room, laughs at the scene as he shakes his head at my natural reactions. I send him a glare, moving back around the bed and into the adjoined bathroom.

I am not surprised to see the bathroom coated in the similar state of blue, and do not hinder myself from rolling my eyes at Thorin's predictability. Throwing the tunic onto a counter, I switch on the running water of the bathtub with the intention to fully bathe after yesterday's short bath. It has been nearly a week since our visit to Laketown, so I am in desperate need of a cleaning.

The bath full and old soaps gathered, I relinquish myself to the bath, falling into its frothy layers of soap and warmth as the cold air stirs about me. This tub, not being human-sized, is almost half as small as the one in the Master's Mansion, so my head and feet rest on opposite sides of tub.

Preparing to fall into a state of relaxation, my eyes make to fall closed as Thorin enters the bathroom and jumps into the tub with me after taking off his clothes. I turn away in embarrassment, cheeks tinted red, as I feel him relax into the tub, his thighs brushing my own. There is no hope of avoiding contact this time, as the tub is made for just one dwarf, nonetheless two. I growl at Thorin's tendency to join my baths, as it is the second time this week.

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