Chapter 37: Pirates of the Kili-bbean: Queen Rue's Revenge

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Part III

Chapter 37:

Pirates of the Kili-bbean: Queen Rue's Revenge

featuring Capt-Oin Jack Sparrow, Captain Bar-Bofur,

Fill(i) Turner, Governor Phoenix, and Tauri(el) Dalma

Bells toll with the dripping of my tears. The rushed voices of the humans and hurried exclamations of parents radiate across the Lake, and into my ears. They are scared, and hopeless, just as I feel. But there is little I can do in this horrifying moment, for nothing compares to the power of a dragon's wings and my weapon of fire goes unhinged upon the dragon's scales. Anything I did to Smaug would just anger him more, which is worse for the people of Laketown.

And so I wait, with each chime of the bell, for the desolation to start under Smaug's mighty wings. I wait for the fire to lick the wooden structures of Laketown. I wait for the cries of the innocent children. I wait for the smoldering ruins. I wait for news of my brother's death. I am completely powerless, and that is frightening.

The rush to leave the city by the dilapidated and narrow canals, naturally brings about a log jam as Smaug finally reaches the town. They haven't had nearly enough time to escape, that is for certain, and I am obliged to blame the Master for that.

Smaug flies low over the town, his wings gliding effortlessly over the rooftops and clotheslines as the fire in his chest glows brighter by the second. People scream as he passes overhead though no danger has been posed on their lives as of yet. Just the sight of the mighty dragon puts fears into the heart of man, as well as any race. With Smaug's mile-wide wingspan, chest of fire, and razor-sharp teeth, he is the greatest fright one could dream of.

And then the fire starts...the fire I overcame hours ago in that deep tunnel of Erebor. The fire that left me unscatherd now kills humans in an instant. Smaug releases an inferno across the town, the light evident as it illuminates the dark night. The water on which Laketown hails does nothing to help its people. I can only imagine the pain that comes from the burn of dragon fire, and of the icy water of winter. With either the entrance into the flame or into the water, these people will face a harsh death of either burns or hypothermia. It must be a traumatizing sight.

As you can probably assume, the village falls into flames very quickly, with everything made of wood and cloth in the poor town. With my brilliant eyesight, I notice the glittering of gold from one of the canals, signalling the Master's presence in this mess. If I was any less humane, I would hope for the Master's death by the inferno, but alas, I have a large heart that holds love even for the greediest and most vile creatures. In other words, Smaug.

The flames spewing from the mouth of Smaug are unending, as the dragon continues to unleash the fire as he swoops across the town in the large gliding of his wings. Never in my life have I ever scared away from the flames bound in my body, but at this instance, I feel pain in my bones. Never did I realize the pain this power could cause, never did I understand the feeling of a burn. Now I do. I feel the burns upon the hands and faces of these helpless children, the slow ache and bite of fire.

It's traumatizing to feel such a pain in my ribs, and on my skin, and in my heart. Just as I feel the desolation of Smaug, I feel the desire to never touch fire again. It's destructive in all forms, heart-breaking to witnesses, and soul-destroying to the individual. I am terrified of my own power, scared to burn anyone ever again. I am scarred by an event I only witnessed and heard.

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