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Dani opened his eyes, Hanna was sound asleep next to him. He pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Hey, amar..." Dani stated. She hummed. "Five more minutes Rojas." Hanna stated, sleepily. He chuckled softly. "Come on, we got to speak to Tigre this morning.... come on." Dani stated, she wrapped her arms around him. "I mean it... five...more....minutes." She stated sternly. Dani sighed in defeat. "Fine..." Dani stated as he wrapped his arms around her as she snuggled into his neck.


Hanna and Dani stated. "Five more minutes (my ass)" Dani stated. "Mhmm last I recall, you wasn't complaining." Hanna sassed.

"Ah. Bebe Tigre and Lil Kangsta.... perfect timing." Tigre stated as the couple walked up to the Legend. "What can we do for you?" Hanna questioned. "OK, if we want these cranky old guerrillas to help Libertad. we need Lucky and Lorenzo on board. So here's what we're going to do. Ever since Anton got obsessed with the cancer drugs and making Viviro, finding medical supplies for Lucky's clinic has been impossible. So I bribed a pilot to fly some in. When the supplies arrive, we tell Lucky they're a gift from Libertad and boom, everybody's friends. perfect plan right? Well, it would have been if some (son of a bitch) didn't shoot down my chopper. Go get those supplies before someone else does. Bebe Tigre and Lil Kangsta." Tigre explained.

"Alright..." Hanna stated.


"This looks like the drop, What a mess." Dani stated. Hanna looked around, "This is too easy." Dani stated. "(What's up?)" Hanna froze when she heard a familiar voice. "Who are you?" Dani questioned.

"They're from La Moral... as for her and I, we have history." Hanna stated. "Indeed we do Kang... El Este is our land. Our Land, Our medicine." She stated. "You practice that little speech?" Dani questioned. "Yeah." She remarked. "Sorry to break it to you Jonron.. This is property of Libertad." Hanna stated. "Ah, Libertad! Knew you would come begging for our help, We should be fighting Castillo together after all, Hanna's an inspirational icon for La Moral... I'm Jonron, as Hanna stated. second in command..." Jonron stated. Dani looked at Hanna. "I'm a what?" Hanna questioned. "Have you seen you, don't get me started on what your mother has done for El Este... I haven't forgot what you done for me." Jonron stated.

"(Three...Four...)" Jonron stated as she threw the grenade, Hanna smirked. "Nice throw." Dani stated. "She didn't picked that up on her own." Hanna remarked. Jonron looked at her and shook her head. "Name's Dani. Dani Rojas." Dani introduced himself. "Uh huh."  Jonron stated. "Company!" A Guerrilla exclaimed. 

"Oh these bastards never lay off." Hanna remarked. "Batter up." Jonron remarked.


"You've got talent, Libertad but Yelena needs these supplies. We got wounded." Jonron stated. "Yelena's your boss?" Dani questioned. "Yeah, She's gonna kick my ass if I don't come back with something." Jonron stated. "Well Clara's gonna try to kick ours if I don't bring this to the Legends." Dani stated. "Libertad wants the Legends of Sixty-Seven!? Half of Yara thinks they're dead." Jonron remarked. "Oh...they're very alive." Hanna stated.

"And half of La Moral thinks they're full of shit.... but I majored in history. They paid in blood to put Anton's papa in his grave." Jonron stated. "I tell you what, you give us these supplies. We'll introduce you... besides I think I want to meet La Moral later on..." Hanna remarked. Jonron looked at her. "Ah, cono. Yelena's gonna kill me, but at least I get to meet the Legends first!" Jonron exclaimed. Hanna chuckled.

"Now Dani, you get us a chopper, then we can talk supplies. Welcome to La Moral." Jonron stated. "I'll stay here."  Hanna stated. "You sure?" Dani questioned. "Yeah, Jonron and I need to catch up, I'll make it up to you later." Hanna said, as she winked and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now hurry up Mi amor!" Hanna remarked. "Yes señorita" Dani stated.

Jonron looked at her. "You two?" Jonron questioned. "Si...." Hanna replied. "You know, Libertad made a mistake..." Jonron stated. "What's that?" Hanna questioned. "Not making you leader." Jonron stated. Hanna looked at her. "I meant it, La Moral... you inspire us, so it's quite shocking you aren't even leader or even second in command." Jonron stated.

"If something happens to Clara, the torch is passed on to me." Hanna remarked. "It should be now... Imagine if you have La Moral on your side, kicking Castillo's ass to the ground." Jonron stated. "Besides you and I have history..." Jonron added. 


Dani returned with the chopper, Hanna help Jonron with the supplies. "Alright, let's move." Dani stated.

They got back to the camp. "Dani and Hanna, you got the supplies!" Tigre said as he approached them. "Pa la pinga! El Tigre, Fist of the Revolucion! You gotta sign my pants!" Jonron stated in excitement. Hanna shook her head. "(What's your name, miss?)"  Tigre asked. "Jonron, I'm with La Moral." She stated. "La Moral? Terroristas." Lorenzo stated. "Now you are quite the opposite what Mama described in her journal." Hanna spatted.

"Jonron, this is..." Dani stated. "I know who he is..." Jonron stated. "I think the word he's looking for is 'guerrilla.'" Jonron added. "You're not guerrillas. You're a street gang." Lorenzo spatted. "Well at least they're doing something." Hanna snapped. "Yeah.. like not hiding on the mountain, while the world goes to shit, where was you for Hanna when her mother was killed? definitely wasn't there for her?" Jonron spatted. "So, you don't say no more." Hanna remarked to Lorenzo, Jonron was right. Hanna met Jonron when she was thirteen, nobody wouldn't take Hanna even for awhile when Juan and her had gotten separated. 

Hanna shut out most of the argument and until Lucky mama was finished. "You know... I do have something ask right here, right now. Why did you shut me out when my mama was killed, My aunt took me in, caused my life to go to shit... then I was on the street, no matter how many times I wrote, I was left in silence... I get it, You are old, tired and done fighting... but I don't have that option, neither does Dani, Jonron, ANYBODY WHO ISN'T ON THIS FUCKING MOUNTAIN...I am finishing what my Mama started, if the Legends doesn't want to help Libertad to fight that fascist and rather let Yara go to shit more... be my guest, I'll find help else where." Hanna rambled. When Lorenzo or Lucky Mama didn't answer her. She threw her hands up. "Just as I thought." Hanna stated as she stormed off.

Then Jonron and Dani were left alone. "They had the courage to buried her mother with the Legends but had the balls to abandon her." Jonron remarked. "Her mother is really buried here?" Dani questioned. "Si... you better go check up on your girl, but when you two have a minute... talk to me, besides Hanna is interested in La Moral." Jonron stated. 

Hanna looked along the graves until she froze when she saw her mama's name. 

"I'm always here." Rita stated as she came up to Hanna. "I'm not in the mood for lecture." Hanna remarked. "No... you had every right.... I warned them that it would come back to haunt them... I had to keep myself hidden... because...." Rita stated. "You would've been next."  Hanna remarked and Rita nodded.

"If you are thinking to speaking to La Moral, go for it." Rita stated. Hanna looked at her. "You think like your mama, you are definitely like her, when you kind of think about it... she had a lead, but they told her she was on her own... but Tigre... he was heartbroken when he heard the news.... his mind immediately when on you... but when he was told you were no where in sight... so much went through his mind... but he knew you would find safety." Rita explained. Hanna hummed. 

"Hanna." Hanna saw Dani. Hanna instantly went into his arms. "Listen... if you want to speak to Jonron and meet up with La Moral, I'm for it... Jonron is letting Yelena know."  Dani stated. Hanna looked up at him. "You support this choice?" Hanna questioned. "Any choice my Hermosa makes... i'll stand behind you on, so yes." Dani stated. Hanna smiled. "Thank you, but I think Lorenzo needs to see what's going on down there, what we've seen." Hanna stated. He nodded. "I agree but first, that was enough for one day." Dani stated as then he gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Also... I'm here to pay respect to your mama." Dani stated. Hanna hummed.  

They sat at her mother's grave in silence.

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