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ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏɴꜰᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ

Hanna, Dani and Paolo stood up on the hill. "Building Thirteen. This is it. "Viviro, the Outcasts, everything started with the piece of shit hiding in there. Only way I see this going down right is if you two and I split up. I'm calling in a few of our guerrillas. We're going to plant explosives and fuck up his Viviro operation. It's not going to be easy, but you need to get inside those buildings any way you two can and kill that fucker. It's us or him today, because we're not going to another shot. You two helped wake me up, Dani and Hanna. I was running from Castillo. Maria. All of them. Now these fuckers run from me. This one's for Talia. For Isla." Paolo stated.

Paolo and Hanna shook on it. "It's time for that fucker to die." Hanna remarked. "Si... Let's do this." Dani stated.

After clearing up the soldiers, Dani began to worry for Hanna's safety, especially around El Doctor. Hanna shot the lock, before she step inside, Dani softly grabbed her arm. "I think you should go find Paolo." Dani said. Hanna looked at him. "No... I'm coming with you." Hanna told him sternly. "El Doctor is an evil monster, he'll hurt you and I'll never forgive myself." Dani remarked. Hanna sighed. "You think he won't hurt you?" Hanna questioned him.  "Listen to me... Find Pao..." Dani started but was stopped when Hanna smashed her lips onto his. She pulled away, heading down the stairs, leaving Dani speechless. "Hanna.... Wait!" Dani exclaimed as he followed her.

Dani stood beside Hanna. She pressed the button and doors open to a desk area. "What is this place?" Dani  question. "Hell hole... that what it is." Hanna remarked.

Then they both walked into the lab, they heard the patients. "What did this (bastard) do to them?" Hanna questioned. They were groaning in pain. "El Doctor is a monster." Dani stated.

Then they head down more stairs, Hanna saw the man inside the room. "Hang on!" Hanna exclaimed. Dani hit the button, the duo headed inside the room, the door locked behind them.

"Are you ok? Can you walk?" Dani asked the man, Hanna froze as she saw El Doctor on the other side. "Dani, that's twice now you've volunteered for my experiments. Isla Kang's daughter... finally." El Doctor stated as he made eye contact with Hanna. "you sick motherfucker. We've seen what Viviro is really doing and We're going to enjoy this a little too much." Dani stated. "Not one for debate, are we? Did you two know exposure to concentrated doses of PG-240 wreaks havoc on the body?" El Doctor expalained. "Fuck you, We kill a lot faster than cancer." Dani spatted. Hanna kept eye contact with the doctor. "When you reach hell, say hello to Hyunwoo for me, I hope he's been burning down there, which, you will be." Hanna spatted.

Then the poison started spraying in the room. "I'm going to keep your brains and hearts. The rest I'm going to feed to my dogs. Good for the bones." Doctor stated. "We're going to kill you!" Dani exclaimed. Hanna began coughing as she then shot the vent. Her and Dani hopped down. "Can't breathe." Dani stated. Hanna coughing began to get worse. "No, no, no. You stay with me!" Dani exclaimed as he grabbed ahold of her. 

"I'm hanging on." Hanna stated as they got thought the maze. Dani shot the vent and he hopped up first then he lift Hanna up. Hanna gasp for air, then she vomited and Dani did as well. "It's still in the fucking air, let's find that piece of shit." Hanna spatted. Dani busted open the door, "You can't get away from us!" Dani stated.

"Run Hanna!" 

"Get to Safety Hanna!"

"This ins't the life you should live, be happy sweetheart, I'll support whatever path you choose... love you"


"Find Juan..."


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