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Dani and Hanna approached Carlos's table. "How many times are we gonna bail them out, Papa? When does this end?" Espada questioned her father. "Camila, this is family..." Miguel told her. "I say we cut our losses." Espada remarks. "Well you don't get a say because this isn't your fucking camp." Carlos remarked back.

"What's going on?" Dani asked. "Jose got our people. He's gonna hang them in Verdera Square." Philly replied. "Piece of scum..." Hanna spatted. "Their own fucking fault they got caught.." Espada remarks. Carlos slammed in his blade into the table. "No! it's your fault. How many times have I told you, they need to learn what it is to be a guerrilla from us but you... you never listen. To get faith you have to give it." Carlos told his daughter. "I don't like it." Espada replied back. "So what, we're just going to leave them behind? Mierda, I know what that's like." Miguel said, Carlos looked at him, while Hanna bit the inside of her cheek, Dani and Espada noticed.

"Small pack. Us six. We go in. grab our people, kill whoever gets in our way." Carlos said. "This isn't going to be an easy task.." Hanna commented. "Si, Jose's going to have military, Gonna need eyes on them." Dani added. "Well, the church got a bell tower. You can see everything from there." Philly explained. "Stay the night in the tower before the execution. Don't want anyone seeing you both get up there." Carlos said to Hanna and Dani. "Got just the thing for you, Hero and Owl. Philly rifles with a high powered scope." Philly told Dani and Hanna. "I'll plant the guns." Miguel commented, Hanna's breath hitched silently.

"Miguel, me and Camila in the square. Philly waits at the radio tower and No cell phones." Carlos said as he handed Dani a walkie. Hanna nodded. Dani looked over at Hanna, as they headed to the horse. "You don't trust Miguel?" Dani questioned. "How did you know?" Hanna asked. "The way your acting." Dani stated. "He just gives off a bad vibe." Hanna stated the obvious, "I been on edge with him." Hanna added. "It won't end well with him if he crosses any of us." Dani stated.


"Carlos? We're near the church." Dani said as he halted the horse. "Oye. It's Miguel." Miguel came in the radio. "Miguel?" Hanna questioned. "Where's Carlos?" Dani asked. "He's busy. Can you two get to the bell tower?" Miguel asked them. "We think so." Dani replied. "Good, I Ieft the rifles up there for you two, Stay low. Don't let the soldiers see you." Miguel explained. "Ok." Dani said. "Suerte, my friends." Miguel said. Hanna huffed. "We aren't friends..." She spatted, She looked at the church. "Dani... the back." Hanna stated. Dani saw that there was no soldiers in sight. "Who would ever thought... let's go then." Dani said.

Hanna and Dani got to the top, she saw the rifles. "Dani..." Hanna said. "Now... we wait." Dani said.


Hanna had her head on Dani's shoulder, they heard the trumpet. "Show time." Hanna stated. The duo got in position. "We are in position." Carlos stated. "Ok.jefe. I'm here. I'll keep the engine running. Suerte." Philly came in. Hanna got a lock on Jose. "Hanna's Got eyes on Jose." Dani stated. "Do not shoot until I say." Carlos stated. Hanna took a shaky breath.

"Fellow Yarans, you honor me today with your presence, just as I honor you with mine." Jose started. "And you make me sick you (Asshole.) " Hanna silently spatted. "These are the Fake Yarans and they have no place here in our paradise." Jose added on. Hanna's eyes widen as she saw it was Alejandro down there. 

"They have Alejandro." Espada came in. "Conjone!" Dani said. "As punishment for their crimes. They will be hanged from the barrel of Yara's might." Jose went on. The bell begun to rang. Hanna and Dani looked at each other, Hanna kept her lock on Jose. "What's our move Carlos?" Dani asked. "CARLOS?!" Dani came in. "Shit." Hanna spatted. Hanna pulled the trigger and nothing was happening. "What the..." Hanna said, Her and Dani quickly looked at her gun, but it went off, Hanna hit her head against the railing, harshly.

Dani got up and Hanna was still down. "HANNA!" Dani exclaimed. Her vision was blurry. "I'm fine..." Hanna said as Dani helped her up. They saw chaos broke out. "Shit.. that son of a bitch!" She spatted.She gritted in pain.

"The tower!" She heard Jose yelled. "Fuck!" Hanna exclaimed. 


"Stay awake Hanna!" Dani exclaimed. As he and her struggled down the stairs. Espada was dragging her brother in. Dani quickly checked him. "Alej is gonna die here. Hanna needs to stay awake." Dani said. "Dani... I'm fine, the prirority is to get Alej out of here." Hanna stated, She hissed as she touched her head, she saw blood. "Damn..." Hanna stated. "We need to move." Dani stated. Hanna noticed something off with Espada. "ESPADA!" Hanna exclaimed. "I got him. You cover me and Hanna. Understand?" Dani questioned. She nodded.


"They just keep coming!" Espada exclaimed. Hanna was fighting her hardest with the state she's in. "Where's Philly, He's supposed to be here." Espada stated. "I'll call him." Dani said. 

"Philly, where are you?" Dani called in. "I can't get in!" Philly exclaimed. "This place is hotter than the devil's balls." He added. "We got Alejandro, He's hurt bad. Hanna isn't in a  great state either." Dani said. "OK. OK. Meet me at the radio tower." Philly said. "Ok." Dani stated. 


"Come on, come on, Let's go!" Philly exclaimed as they approach the truck, Apurense!" Philly exclaimed. Espada climbed in first. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Espada exclaimed. Then helped Dani get Alej. "Come on, let's go. Now!" Philly exclaimed. Dani helped Hanna before hopping in. Hanna leaned against the wall, Dani noticed her eyes were drooping. "You stay awake!" Dani exclaimed at her. "I will." Hanna said as she held her head. "Go Philly, go." Espada commanded.


"That's the last of them." Dani said, He quickly went to Hanna who was fighting to stay awake. "My hero..." Hanna said, softly. "Dani, you and Hanna were supposed to cover us!" Espada said, Before Hanna could speak. "Her rifle jammed, Miguel left us defective guns!" Dani exclaimed. "Fuck! I knew we couldn't trust that piece of shit!" Espada exclaimed. "That sneaky (bastard) is going to get it." Hanna spatted. "They knew we were coming. The whole thing was a setup." Dani said. "Pinga!" Espada exclaimed.

They pulled into the farm. "Get Alej, I'll be fine." Hanna said. "I better see those gorgeous brown eyes when I returned." Dani said. Hanna slightly chuckled. "You flirt.." Hanna said.

Espada, Dani and Philly got Alej on the table.


Alej gasped for air, "He's breathing, Espada?" Dani questioned. Dani saw Miguel on the ground, dead. "Alright Owl, let's get you..." Philly said, as he went to get Hanna, he froze when he saw her laying down, still, not moving. 

"No, no, no , no." Philly panicked as he hopped up. "Come on OWL not you too, HERO!" he exclaimed. Dani quickly turned around,  Espada whipped her head. Dani saw Hanna. "NO NO!" Dani exclaimed as he hopped up and then held onto Hanna's face.. "Come on, come on, come on..." Dani said. Dani check her pulse, it was slow. "Thank... don't leave me." Dani said, held her. "Hero! We need to aid to her injury now.." Philly said. Dani hopped down, Philly placed her into his arms. Dani ran through the farm, A guerrilla and Philly followed in pursue. "Hang on Hanna... Hang on!" Dani exclaimed.

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