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ʙᴇʙᴇ ᴛɪɢʀᴇ & ʟɪʟ ᴋᴀɴɢꜱᴛᴀ

Dani held onto the sheering wheel with one, while had his other hand on Hanna's leg. Hanna rose a brow. "Dani?" Hanna questioned. Dani hummed. She moved closer, she held onto his hand that was on her leg.

"When did you realized, when you like... you know, like me?" Hanna questioned. "The moment I could lose you to Miami....You were the reason why I didn't leave Yara, That moment I spotted you at the camp." Dani explained. "You?" Dani questioned. "You listen to me, like all the time, back before we made it back to the island, but I push the feelings away because I thought it was impossible." Hanna stated. "You... I thought I was out of your league." Dani stated, surprised. Hanna chuckled. "Dani, you cannot be serious, not even the farmers could win my heart like you have." Hanna remarked. "Have you seen you?" Dani questioned which made Hanna's face go brighter then a tomato, she covered her face. Dani chuckled. "Now now..." Dani stated.

"?Hola?" They heard a voice come in. "El Tigre?" Dani and Hanna questioned. "That's me. You must be those kids Clara mentioned, Libertad's chosen ones, The Kang name, well her maiden name is Park, very well known with us Legends." Tigre stated. Dani and Hanna looked at each other before he looked back onto the road.

"We're not kids." Dani remarked. "Of course not. You're Bebe Tigre and Lil Kangsta and don't worry. I'll make sure you two don't end up one of Benitez's trophies" Tigre stated. "Who's Benitez?" Dani questioned. "She sounds like she's one of those pain in the asses were dealing with." Hanna remarked. "Head of Castillo's navy, a real sea monster. She likes to hang traitors like fish for all of El Este to see." Tigre replied. "Pal' carajo. Well we're in El Este now." Dani stated. "I love it. all of it." Tigre remarked.

"You uh.... have a long night?" Dani questioned. "The rum and coke was flowing last night Bebe Tigre, minus the coke." Tigre answered. "Been there." Dani stated. "I'm sending you two some photos, should help you find us." Tigre stated.

"Is that a crab...rock?" Dani questioned. "!Si!, Call me when you get there and bring grappling gear..You're going to need it, now get moving up our mountain! We can't wait to meet you, Bebe Tigre! Let's see how much Lil Kangsta looks like her mama." Tigre replied before disconnecting.

"That means they were the last to see her alive." Hanna remarked. Dani looked at her, "Maybe they could have answers." Dani stated. "Was she here alot?" Dani asked. "SI, so was I but... I don't remember any of it." Hanna stated.

When they got out of the car, they saw the climb. "Oof, Guess we are channeling Rapunzel today." Hanna remarked. "We'll be fine... I promise." Dani stated.


After all the climbing, they finding enter the camp. "El Tigre!" Dani and Hanna exclaimed as he was arm wrestling somebody, which he won is match. "Hola Dani and Hanna!" El Tigre exclaimed then he walked over and lift Hanna up.  "What the hell..." Dani remarked, Protectively. Hanna squirmed around as she was trying to get out of his hold.

"You're trapped, death is staring you in the face, what do you do!?" Tigre asked her. She tried to knee him but it didn't work out. He chuckled. "Hahaha! I've been kicked in the cojones a thousand times. I haven't felt them since '72.." Tigre stated to her. Then she headbutted him which caused him to let her go.

"Now... never do that again." Hanna stated, sternly. "What? (My house is your house.) Bebe Tigre and Lil Kangsta. Come on, meet the family." Tigre stated as he patted her on the shoulder. "LUCKY! my nose is broke again!" Tigre exclaimed.

"I'm not your fucking mother." Lucky Mama mumbled. Hanna looked around, things looked familiar to her. "Meet Lorenzo Canseco, poet of the Legends." Tigre stated. "Well, I sense the hot blood of a fighter, you miss, have face that reminds me of someone from long ago." Lorenzo stated. "... And of course you know Lucky Mama...heart of the Legends!"

"It's not broken." She stated. "Really, I felt it go..." Tigre stated but groaned in pain when she popped it back into place. "Another patien....Hanna..." Lucky mama stated. "Wait, as in Isla's daughter?!?" Lorenzo questioned in shock. "She turned out to be a beautiful... strong... smart woman like her mama." Tigre stated. "At least she got her mama's looks.... when you get time.... I know you have answers on your mama, We can be happy to help." Lucky mama stated to Hanna. 

"Thank you..." Hanna stated. "You and this fellow are here for something."  Lucky mama told her. "I'm Dani Rojas, Hanna and I are from Libertad." Dani stated. "The new fists of the revolution." Tigre stated. "No, Clara sent us. Libertad needs the Legends on our side. Heros to believe in." Dani explained.

"To fight another Castillo? You know your mama got herself kill for this besides He's exactly what Yara deserves. (Good luck)." Lorenzo stated. "For your information, poison is what killed her, according to her friend, My mama was trying to make a difference until her last dying breath." Hanna spatted. "Sorry Hanna, but one revolution was enough." Lucky mama told her.

Hanna sighed. "Looks like Clara was wrong." Dani stated. "Have faith, Dani. They just need to get to know you. Hanna, I kept your mama a promise, if you ever needed my help, I would be there." Tigre told her. Hanna slightly smile. "Thank you." She whispered. "You two come see me when you get settled, my Bebe Tigre and Lil Kangsta." Tigre stated. He softly patted Hanna's shoulder while he harshly to Dani's.

Dani groan. Hanna chuckled. "Well at least it didn't go to complete shit." Hanna remarked. 

"Hanna?" Hanna and Dani turned to see a woman. "Do I know you?" Hanna questioned.. She took a deep breath. "You have your mother's journal... " She stated. "Wait... your her friend?" Hanna questioned. "Rita..." Rita stated. "Your mother was the bravest woman I knew, and I see her daughter takes after her. Tigre call you lil Kangsta because he called your mama, Mama Kangsta, you might not remember him well but he remembers you, the legends adored your mama." Rita stated with a smile.

Rita looked at Dani, she slightly smile. "Isla would've liked this fella for sure." Rita told Hanna. Hanna smiled as she looked at Dani.  "Now you two get some rest... we can chat later... oh and Mr. Rojas." Rita stated. He looked at her, "Count me in with Tigre." Rita stated and Hanna smiled as Rita walked away.

"I don't know about you but all that climbing, made me exhausted." Dani stated. "I agree..." Hanna stated. Dani wrapped his arm around her, he pressed a kiss on the side of her head as they walked to the bed they were given. 

Rita smiled in a distance. "Well Isla... your little girl found a good man." Rita stated.

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