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ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ

Hanna's eyes fluttered open, Dani lifted his head. "Mierda." Dani said, as he lightly wrapped his arms around her. "Hey..I'm okay." Hanna stated as she wrapped her arms around him "What happened after we got back to the farm?" Hanna then questioned. "Well Espada ended Miguel and you passed out." Dani replied. "You scared the shit out of me." Dani added. "Nothing can't take me out." Hanna said as she cautiously sat up. "You need to take it easy, you suffered a serious concussion." Dani said. Hanna sighed. "Doesn't mean I am going sit around and look pretty." Hanna sassed. Dani snorted. "Hanna.." 

Hanna eyes wonder to Alej. "Alej..." Hanna said. "Good to see you are alright, you took a serious injury." Alejandro stated. "You too... do you need something?" Hanna asked. She held up her hand before Dani could open his mouth. 

"I never got to thank you both for saving my life. You two and Camila could have left me to die but you didn't. Gracias. Word got back from Father Pietro in Verdera. He has papa's machete. It's all that's left of him. I want to go and get it back but I'm in no shape. Papa is dead because of me and I can't even do this for him. The priest is expecting you, Dani. If you'll go, that is..." Alejandro explained. "I'll go..." Dani said. "Gracias Dani." Alejandro said. "Hanna, you need to rest so more, no ifs ands or buts." Dani said as he lead her back to her bed.

She sighed. Dani pressed a kiss on the side of her head, she froze. "I'll be back, you can come with me on the next one, It'll be nightfall when I return." Dani said. "Be careful Rojas." Hanna said. "Estaré bien querida" Dani assured her. She smiled.

Dani walked out. "You two..." Alej said. "We aren't a couple." Hanna stated. "But friends don't do that..." Alej said. Hanna didn't know what else to say. "I think fresh air will do me some good." Hanna said. "Hanna..." Alej said, She turned around. "I owe you an apology..." Alej said. Hanna looked at him puzzled. "I know that man was on the wall that day was your father. I followed Jose, yes. But when I heard your father did the things he did, made me sick to my stomach, you and your mother didn't deserve that, you deserved better." Alej explained. Hanna hummed. "Thank you, I know Anton and his army worships the ground my father had walked on... My mother should still be here... but she died doing what's right. Making Yara... safe." Hanna replied. "And... you'll finished what she started." Alej said. Hanna nodded.

Hanna walked out. "Hanna!" A guerrilla exclaimed. She waved. She went to Philly's desk. "Oh I hope I didn't scare you badly?" Hanna questioned. Philly whipped his head up quickly. "Hey hey, Owl!" Philly exclaimed as he pulled her into a hug. "Nothing can't take me out." Hanna stated as she pulled away. 

She saw Chorizo. "Hey there boy." Hanna said as she picked him up, he licked her cheek, then she put him down.

"Carlos is gone..." Hanna stated. "It's a shame..." Philly stated. "It is... it shouldn't have happened. I feel like I am in ways at fault." Hanna started. "Now.. don't. Miguel gave you and Hero defected guns... on top of it, you ended up getting a concussion. Hero panicked when he saw you not moving... if he doesn't make a move, he's an (Idiot)" Philly rambled. Hanna furrowed her brows. "Philly, we are only friends..." Hanna said, sternly. "Keep telling yourself, when it happens, I told you so."  Philly said. "Very funny Philly..." Hanna said as she shook her head at him.

"You hate being cooped up?" Philly asked. "Yes, I wouldn't have to deal with your ass." Hanna sassed. "Oh..." Philly said, Hanna chuckled. "Geez, you took that seriously Philly, friends deal with your shit." Hanna stated. "I have been dealing with it for quite some time... I'm brave soul." Hanna teased. Philly glared at her, she chuckled. 


Hanna sat around and she saw Dani coming into the farm. she instantly smile at his sight. "Miss me?" Dani asked her. "Ugh, you have no idea, I hate being cooped up." Hanna said as she rose a brow. "It was for precaution." Dani said. "Yeah, but no excuses this time..." Hanna said then she saw the machete. "He should still be here." She said as she sighed. "Si..." Dani said.


Dani, Hanna and Alej walked up the hill. She shook her head, Dani squeezed her hand. Alej helded out the machete and Espada took it. "Just because we saved you doesn't mean we want you." Roberto stated. Hanna sighed. "Come on, this is his papa's funeral." Dani stated. "Carlos for Alejandro. Shit trade." Roberto said. "Gentleman..." Hanna spatted. Alejandro charged him and he was struck in the face then shoved into the ground.

"Alejandro...you done enough." Espada said. "Go." She added on. He stormed off. "Espada... he's your brother." Dani stated. "Yeah, not yours." Espada said. Hanna huffed. "You (assholes) pick a bad time!" Hanna spatted as she and Dani pulled out their guns as three soldiers made their way up. 

Espada slammed the machete in between two piece of blocks. "How's the leg?" Espada asked. "I..I never knew your papa but my family worked these lands for fifty years. I..I have intel on General Jose. Let me give you his lieutenants. Por favor." The soldier said. He looked at Hanna. "Your mother, Isla Kang... would've been the great change for Yara, but to see her daughter carry it on, she would be proud." He told her. Hanna bit the inside her cheek, she looked at Espada.

"You'll need new uniforms, compays." Espada said. Espada, Philly and Soldiers left leaving Dani and Hanna up on the hill. Hanna stared at the graves. "You know.. my mom is buried with the 67' legends..." Hanna said. "That means you have history with Legends?" Dani questioned. "Si." Hanna replied. "Maybe we should pay her a visit... when go towards talking to the legends" Dani said. "We should..." Hanna said as tears streamed. 

"It feels so damn good, to know I been doing the right thing." Hanna said. Dani pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry..." Hanna said. "No... don't..." Dani said. Dani held onto her as they stood in silence.

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