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The next morning, Dani and Hanna approached Espada. "So.." Hanna said. "You haven't slept, have you?" Hanna questioned her and Espada shook her head. 

"Can't sleep, I close my eyes and all I see is Jose and his three little pigs from the church. I want those motherfuckers dead. You know I made eye contact with one of them? Hijo de puta smiled at me. Smiled at me as my papa died. We tracked them down thanks to those soldiers who joined us. The three lieutenants are all partying at a hotel. Singao. I got my hands full with these recruits I can't leave. So I want you two to kill those lieutenants, Dani and Hanna. Kill them all and make sure Jose gets the message." Espada said. "With Pleasure... for Carlos." Hanna said as she walked off. "Suerte, Dani and Hanna. Dani caught up with Hanna. "You ready?" Dani questioned her. "Don't have to question me twice." Hanna said.

Dani and Her hopped into a car. "How's your head?" Dani questioned her. "Better, better than it was... everything had happened so fast." Hanna said. "It did." Dani said to her. "Jose will pay for this, the little pigs will pay." Hanna said.

"Hanna, don't over do it." Dani told her. "I won't, remember we're a team Rojas... the badass team at that." Hanna said. Dani chuckled 


Dani and Hanna parked not to far, "Hey Dani and Hanna." Espada came into the call. "Hey, we're coming up on the hotel. It's going to be lights out for all three of these comemierdas." Dani responded. "Dale."  Espada said. Hanna eyes flickered. "We need to take out the guards, silently. Then come after the lieutenants in surprise." Hanna suggest. "That sounds good because the cowards will make a run for it." Dani agreed. Hanna heard Carlos name, she begun to see red. 

"Let's meet up inside." She said. "Hanna.." Dani said sternly, but she had already was out of the car and had taken out two guards nearby. "(Shit!)" Dani spatted as he quickly got out of the car. "Dani, Tell Hanna to be careful!, your target is making a escape for it." Dani heard the guerrilla call out. "Pa la pinga, He's making a break for it." Dani said. "Where are you Hanna?" Dani questioned.

Hanna was looking in the rooms, she heard a door shut, then she saw the lieutenant making a run for it. "Not a chance..." Hanna said as she made a run towards the front of the hotel through the room's window.

Hanna heard Dani, "Dani!" She exclaimed. Dani on the ground and looked at the lieutenant, before he could strike, Hanna shoved a knife into his skull. She shoved the body onto the ground. "That's for Carlos, you fucker." Hanna and Dani spatted.

"Espada, One down but the others aren't here." Dani told her. "Motherfuckers. Check inside the hotel. see if you can pick up their trails. I need them in the ground Dani and Hanna. All of them." Espada remarked.

"I actually found the locations, Spa and Ranch." Hanna said. "Time to go and take out both of these assholes." Dani stated. "I'll head to the ranch, you go to the spa." Hanna stated. Dani grabbed her arm softly. She turned to look at him, "Dani...I'll be fine." Hanna assured him. "You better..." Dani said, She smiled softly at him, as she hopped into on of the jeeps.


Dani made it to the spa, he looked at his surroundings. "What am I going to do with you Kang." Dani mumbled. Dani took out the guards one by one. Dani opened the door, before she could pull out her gun, Dani blasted the lieutenant with a shotgun.

"That's for Carlos." Dani commented. "Hey. Got an update." Dani said as he contact Espada. "Ok..." Espada said. "Said goodbye to the comemierda who liked to hang out at the spa. She had some unique tastes." Dani explained as he looked around the room. "Good, Fuck her." Espada commented. "Hanna is at the Ranch." Dani commented. "I would hurry because she never had check in with me yet." Espada said.

"Shit... Hanna!" Dani spatted as he ran back to the car.


Dani quickly halted the car quick at the entranced, He saw the jeep, then he found three soldiers, slaughtered. "(Shit) she's on the move." Dani said as he began sneaking around the ranch. Then looked around at more soldiers down, "Where is she?" Dani questioned. worry began to hit him. He went towards the horses, He spotted the lieutenant, he spotted Dani.

He hopped onto the horse but he didn't get very far as a bullet went through his head, Dani's eyes widen. Hanna step out of the bushes, she was covered in blood. She saw Dani, "Dick head had a love for horse." She commented. "The one at the spa had a kink." Dani replied. "The fuck? are you serious?" Hanna said as she approached Dani. "Wish I was joking.." Dani said as he pulled out a cloth. Dani wiped off her face, she chuckled. "I told you, I was fine, I had it under control." Hanna said.

"Yeah... I can see that." Dani said as they looked around. "Well... I did go a little overboard, but still, All three of them... dead." Hanna said. "Yeah..let's give Espada the good news." Dani said. "She needs it."  Hanna remarked.

"Espada, it's done." Dani told her. "Really?" Espada questioned him. "Si." Dani and Hanna replied. "They're gone." Hanna added. "All of them." Dani finished. "Dani and Hanna, I don't know how to thank you both. This is justice for papa." Espada explained.

"It's more than that. It's how we scare Jose out of hiding. It's how we show that little shit who he's dealing with." Dani responded. "That's right, That's fucking right. Gracias Dani and Hanna." Espada replied before disconnecting the call.

Hanna looked at Dani, "Let's get back to the farm." Dani told her. Hanna's eyes trailed and she froze. "Mom..." Hanna said as she walked over to the wall, Dani followed her. "It makes sense, my mother used to come here, before everything went to shit." Hanna explained.

Dani looked at the photo. "You look like her." Dani said. Hanna looked at him, "That's not the first time I've heard that." Hanna said. She looked back at the photo. She hummed. Then they walked away and headed back to the farm.

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