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Dani and Hanna heading to Reverira to meet up with Espada. Hanna looked at the sunset, "That's beautiful... even thought Yara is a hellscape, but the sunrise and sunset always remain so stunning." Hanna said. Dani hummed. "You aren't wrong." Dani said.  

Dani and Hanna climbed up the ladder. "So much for one guy." She whispered. Her and Dani snuck around where Espada was. "So why do you want this guy so bad anyway?" Dani asked. "El comemierda checks all the tobacco leaves for the Viviro process." Espada explains. Dani and Hanna scope out the place. "We fuck up the leaves, we fuck up the cancer drugs...We fuck up Napoleon el Pequeno's operation. Make him look bad in front of old uncle Anton." Espada adds.

"Lot of heat. So, how you wanna do this?" Dani questions her. "We kill soldiers until we find him." Espada replies. "And them?" Dani asks. "And then we kill more soldiers." Espada said. "Simple. I like it." Dani answers. "Simple enough... There's a tank, I'm going to get to it first." Hanna said. Dani grabbed onto her hand. "Be careful..." Dani said, sternly. "Of course Dani." Hanna said, she gave him on last squeeze. "Just be cautious around the tank." Hanna warned them. Hanna went down the zipline. Dani took a breath. 


Dani got to high ground noticed  all guard near the tank were taken out, which meant Hanna was inside the tank, then he saw the taken out alarm, "Good luck calling backup now." Dani said as he went to scope out for more soldiers.

Hanna sat inside of the tank, her breath hitched as she saw more soldiers walking by, Then she heard the alarms go off.  "What the fuck?" She questioned, then she pointed the tank towards the road, then shot the cars coming up. "Pinga!" Dani exclaimed, taking  out more guards. "Take that!" Hanna exclaimed. She heard someone coming onto the gunner. "Dani?" Hanna called out. "Espada is out of the way, Drive and shoot!" Dani exclaimed. "Don't have to tell me twice!" She exclaimed. 


Hanna parked the tank, she hopped out of the tank. "Is there anything you cannot do?" Dani asked. "Well... I can't think of anything." Hanna said. "Let's go." Espada said. "Are you alright?" Hanna asked. "Yeah... but you did something badass." Espada said, Hanna slightly grinned, 

They walked into the the building, Espada then walked into a dark office. "Get away from me!" someone exclaimed as the three of them walked in. "What the..." Hanna said as something hit her. "Hanna!" Dani exclaimed. "Fuck me! Mierda!" The voice exclaimed again. "Thanks a lot you dick... ( Fuck me...) " Hanna spatted. Dani helped Hanna up then he pointed his gun at the man as the lights came on. 

"(Shit) is right. You look like shit (Little brother)" Espada said to him. "What the fuck you mean?!?" Hanna spatted. "Hermanito, We've been hunting your brother this whole time?" Dani questioned. "Who the hell are you?!" The man questioned. "I know I am looking at the man you could've gave me a concussion." Hanna spatted as she lift her hand to see their was blood. "Why didn't you just tell us?" Dani questioned Espada.

"Alejandro, come on. we're going home." Espada said to her brother. "(Go fuck yourself.)" Alejandro told his sister. Then the siblings got into it. "Yeah, I'm not breaking that up, (Shit.)" She said as she hissed in pain. Dani saw the cut on the side of her head, "I'll take a look after this." Dani said. "Thanks (Doctor) Rojas." Hanna said, she slightly smile at him.

Then he sprayed something into Espada's eyes, she groaned in pain. "What the fuck. Alej!" Espada exclaimed. "I'm not going anywhere. I told you before and I am telling you now, I believe in Castillo. I believe in Viviro and Jose. He's seeing the vision through..." Alejandro explained. "Napoleon el Pequeno is a slave driver, He's fucking loco!" Espada exclaimed. "Says the person trying to kidnap me." Alejandro remarked. Hanna rolled her eyes.

"You changed your name, You changed your uniform but you are still a Montero." Espada explained. Hanna's breath hitched when she saw a photo on the wall. "And papa's still got a machete up his ass and you are running through the jungle like you did when you were five except now you kill people and call yourself, what is it, the spike?"Alejandro questioned.

"The sword..." Dani answered then he saw Hanna's breathing became unnormal. "Hanna?" Dani questioned then he noticed what she was looking at. "Oh wow, clever." Alejandro said, as he walked by Hanna rose her blade up to his throat . "What, you are going to stab me now Kang?" Alejandro asked. "Just know that man on that wall, he wasn't great, doesn't deserve to be worshiped, he was nothing but a piece shit and pitiful excuse of a father... I hope he's still rotting in hell." Hanna spatted, she put down her blade. He stormed out, Hanna looked up at Espada. ".. Family's a bitch, no?" She questioned. ".. I agree." Hanna said. "That's what I hear." Dani said. Hanna then broke the photo on the wall, She bit her lip. 

"We should split up, you get her calm down. Not a word about this to papa." Espada explained. Espada leaves. Dani grabbed onto Hanna softly. "Come, let's get you cooled off." Dani remarked.


As Dani aided her wound, he noticed how silent she was being. "That man on the wall... that was your father... wasn't it?" Dani asked. Hanna looked at him with teary eyes and nodded. "Everytime I look at him, I see nothing but pain... knowing he's being worship makes me sick to my stomach Dani.... I'm nothing like him." Hanna said, as tears flowed. Dani pulled her into a tight hug. 

"I know you aren't, your mother would be so proud of you, you are what Yara needs, some good." Dani explained. Hanna snorted as she wiped away the tears as she pulled away from the hug. "Now I'm not helping Yara alone, I have you and I cannot imagine doing this alone." Hanna stated. "But I know it won't be last time I'll see his photo." Hanna said. 

"To think he wasn't always like this, Castillo got into his head, he did the same to my aunt as well. She also got what she deserved as well." Hanna explained.

"We should get back to the farm, it's dark... really dark." Hanna added. "Yeah... we should go." Dani replied. Dani helped her onto the horse, then hopped on. "Don't let go, I don't need you to get hurt anymore you are."  Dani said.

They were halfway to the farm. "Hola." Espada said. "Hola, you good?" Dani asked, Hanna stayed silent. "Si, I never thanked you and Hanna helping me track down Alej, I wasn't exactly honest with you both, Is Hanna alright, I knew she got worked up by something in there?" Espada asked. "It was just something from her past, she's fine, it's All good, just glad We know the real story now." Dani replied.

"I was worried you wouldn't help if you two knew my brother was military. He's... a traitor." Espada commented. "Si, but he's still family." Dani answered. "Come back to camp soon, We got more work to do." Espada said.

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