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*Jason's Pov*
I woke up and rolled out of bed. I put on sweat pants and a purple hoddie. I stuffed another hoddie in my backpack for Leo. He always wants my hoddie. Today was a great day. The last day of school. I'm so excited to get off of school and just relax. I walked downstairs and my mom gave me a peck on the cheek. She was home for a little bit.

"See you later Jason." She smiled and walked back to the kitchen. I sighed and left out the door. My mom could be so sweet sometimes. I walked down the sidewalk and Leo caught up with me.

"Hey babe." He put his hand in mine.

"Morning Leo." I smiled.

"You look tired." He commented.

"Because I am but I'm looking forward to the summer with you." I explained.

"I can't wait for the summer!" He squealed. I chuckled at his actions. He put his head on my shoulder and we walked in comfortable silence till Piper joined us.

"Aw the two lovebirds!" She teased. Leo hugged her.

"Hey Pipes!" He greeted. Piper of course hugged him back. I kept on walking. Leo and Piper caught up with me.

"I can't wait to go to California!" Piper squealed.

"I wish I could go somewhere this summer." Leo complained.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You know what I mean, like me and you go somewhere this summer." Leo explained. I nodded.

"You guys could come with us." Piper suggested.

"Yeah no offense but I'm not going to watch you and Shel make out all the time." Leo put his hand on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes.

The sun was shining brightly today. But it's chilly out. Climate change. Leo unzipped my backpack and took out the hoddie I had for him.

"You know me so well." Leo praised. I smiled and grabbed the hoddie back. I held it above my head.

"I'll give it back if you give me a kiss." I said leaning down. He rolled his eyes and kissed me. He pulled away and grabbed the hoddie out of my hand. Piper pretended to throw up.

"All you had to do was ask you know." Leo said putting the hoddie in his backpack.

"I know but I wanted to tease you." I explained wrapping an arm around him. He rolled his eyes but put his head on my shoulder.

We got to school and walked up to Percy and Annabeth. Piper gave both of them a quick hug.

"You guys ready for summer?" Leo asked.

"Yes! I can't wait to go to California." Annabeth said putting her book away in her backpack.

"I'm so excited for summer. Relax time is always the best." Percy fussed. We talked about our plans for the summer while we waited till the rest of the group showed up. Everyone did expect Will and Nico. They probably want to be left alone, I thought.

"Hazel where's your brother?" Leo asked.

"I have no idea." She admitted.

"Where's Will and Nico?" Frank looked around. I did the same my eyes landed on a boy who was as skinny as a pencil. How was he here? He was supposed to leave 2 weeks ago.

"Is that Octavian?" Piper asked pointing to the boy. Without thinking marched straight up to him. Will and Nico were on the ground. My blood boiled. I tapped Octavian's shoulder. He turned around and I punched him in the nose. He fell back hitting his head on the pavement.

"Nico! Will! Are you guys ok?" Hazel rushed over.

"I'm fine Haze, just a little hurt." Nico reassured her. Leo checked Will and both seemed to be fine.

"I'm going to call the police." Malcolm announced. He grabbed his phone and walked away.

"I was about to do the same thing. Good punch." Percy complimented. I smiled and wrapped an arm around him. Octavian's eyes opened but Reyna was quick to punch him out again. Will and Nico stood up with the help of Leo and Hazel. Leo was so caring sometimes. Why does he have to look so cute doing it?!

"How about we get you two to the nurse." Annabeth suggested. Will and Nico nodded their heads so Annabeth, Leo, and Hazel helped them to the nurses office. Percy made sure that Annabeth was gone, then he kicked Octavian in the side.
After Will's parents, the teachers, and the police figured Octavian's situation there was an assembly. The assembly was boring as suspected. After the 2 hour assembly it was time to go home.

Leo ran out that door faster then you can say Leo.

"Wait up!" I called running after him.

"I'm free!" He screamed. We made it outside and we stopped. Leo was struggling to catch his breath. I giggled. "Oh shut up Mr. Good lungs football captain." He snapped. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

We walked down the street with the group. I was hand in hand with my boyfriend. I couldn't wait for what mine and Leo's summer. I knew I was going to enjoy it!

The end.....

You have reached the end of this book but not the end of there adventures. I will be posting a sequel but not right now. My brain is fried so have a great day/night. Stay safe!

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