Ch 16

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Oh my gods. Thank so much! We're in number ONE in valgrace. I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much! This is just making me more motivated to write! Thank you! Yall are the best!
*Leo's Pov*
Me, Percy, Travis, Connor, Piper, Frank, and Reyna walked off. Why because we wanted to. Also ice-cream! And it was a ice-cream shop that had the option of no dairy. I got Chocolate and Jason a vanilla.. I walked back slowly eating my ice-cream. Luckily it was chilly so Jason's ice-cream didn't melt. What I saw almost made me drop my ice-cream. Jason was hugging Shel. I stopped and stared with my mouth hung open. Jealousy is my worst flaw. I cleared my throat. Everyone turned.

"Leo!" Jason got up and ran over. I stepped back. Jason looked confused. I shoved the ice-cream in his hands and walked off. Jason tried to follow but I heard someone shout his name. I know he was gay but still I get jealous easily. I walked home.

Once I got home I walked up the stairs to my room. My ice-cream was done. I plopped on my bed and pulled out my phone. 5 unread messages from Jason. I turned my phone off and went to bed.
Once I got up. I got changed and ready for the day. I'm so glad it was the weekend. I opened my phone.

Superman (aka Jason): Leo where are you?

Superman: I'm sorry Leo

Superman: please answer me

Superman: I was just comforting Shel

Superman: have a good night Leo.

Me: Morning superman! Whatca doing today?

Superman: oh now your speaking to me

Me: oh please don't give me sass you know I get jealous easy

Superman: I'm not donig anything today. Can I come over?

Me: duh get your butt over here

Superman: be right there firecracker

Oh Jason is so cute! I walked downstairs.

"Mama, papa Jason's coming over." I announced. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"Ooo your boyfriend!" Nyssa teased.

"Yes Nyssa my boyfriend." I agreed.

"You now if he wasn't gay I'd date him." She admitted.

"He's a little to old for you." I explained.

"Mijo, can you get Harley, he's asleep in his crib?" My mom asked.

"Yep!" I said walking off to Harley's room. Harley was my 1 year old brother. He is the most adorable baby ever. I opened the door and picked up Harley from his crib. I walked out with Harley trying to bite my thumb off. I might've lied when I said Harley wad adorable. He was, but also a psychopath. I put him in his highchair. My dad came in and started to feed Harley.

My dad was always the awkward guy. He is the best but he always had a special place in his heart for machines. If not for my mom, my dad would be lonely for his whole life. I was like him. If not for Jason I would be cuddling machines.

I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it.

"Hi Jay!" I hugged him.

"Hey Leo!" He hugged me back. I broke the hug and led him inside. He has met my family before. They all loved him. I have only met his mom and sister. Nyssa came over and hugged him. Jason hugged her back. Don't worry I didn't get jealous. It was my baby sister. So nothing to worry about. My mom came in and came over and hugged Jason. Ma was always like that.

"Hey Jason!" My dad waved. Harley threw a cracker right at Jason's head. It hit right where the brick hit him. I grabbed Jason's arm and rushed upstairs. Once we got to my room I sat on my bed.

"Sorry about my family." I apologized. He sat next to me.

"Please your family is perfect. My family is well not around. My dad's always at work and my mom is always away doing movies." He complained. I felt sympathetic for Jason. I moved closer and placed my head on his chest.

"It's gonna be ok Jay, everything will turn out." I promised. Jason smiled and pulled me closer. Now I was sitting on his lap. My head was now on his shoulder. I kissed his cheek and he relaxed his shoulders.

"You know, I was up all last night because you didn't respond." He admitted. I took my head off his shoulder. I gave him a smile and pulled him down so we were laying down.

"Then go to sleep." I whispered. It was demanding but soft. He smiled and pulled me close. He gave me a peck on the lips and closed his eyes. I put my head in the crook of his neck. He fell asleep almost instantly. I admired him.

His blonde hair messy but formal. His little bruise on his eye was fading. I accidentally threw a football at him when he was teaching me. He looked so relaxed. Those big blue eyes. They are literally carved into my memory. They are electrifying. That scar on his lip was just the cherry on top. He tried to eat a stapler when he was 2.

Well I'm dumb as him. I was like 8 when I decided to run into a burning building to save me mom. People say it was heroic, but no it was dumb. Why, my mom was almost out herself. I just made it more difficult for her. That's how I got the burn mark on my left leg. It wasn't big but it definitely was an eyesore. I could feel myself get tired. My eyes closed and I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

My rival! (High-school AU Valgrace) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now