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*Leo's Pov*
I woke up to my alarm buzzing in my ears. It was 6am. Why do I have to get up this early? I got up and got dressed. I had on black cargo pants with a red t-shirt with fire on it. I put on the jacket Piper got me. The back said "Bad boy Supreme" it fit perfectly. I fixed my hair and put on the ring my grandmother gave before she died. It was black with colors of fire. I grabbed my back pack and headed downstairs. Nyssa was at the table finishing her homework. Jake was still in bed because of the broken foot. Mom was at work. Dad was in the kitchen.

"Hey Nyssa you need help?" I asked.

"Please I don't get any of this." She complained. I laughed and went over to help her. In 5 minutes she understood and the homework was finished.

"Son do you think you can walk to school?" My dad asked.

"Sure papa!" I exclaimed.

"Good luck on your test!" Nyssa said as she gave me a banana.

"Like I'm even going to do the test." I said walking out the door. I ate the banana as I walked. After I finished I kept the peal so I could use it at school. The sun was coming up.

"Wait up!" A voice called from behind me. I turned to see Piper running after me. I smiles and darted down the street. I looked back and Piper was struggling. I bumped into something hard. I fell right down on my butt.

"Watch where your going!" The voice I bumped into yelled. I knew that voice.

"Oh Leo are you ok?" Jason asked looking down at me.

"Oh me I'm perfectly fine, I just didn't run into the one person I didn't want to have to see today." I said as I got up.

"Really Leo you were coming at me." He remarked.

"First of all, I didn't do that on purpose I was running from Piper. Secondly, why would I personally run into my rival?" I said.

He growled. "Your so annoying."

"Oh please no one can resist me." I said flexing my muscles.

"Sorry Jason come on Leo." Piper said dragging me along.

"Wait can I walk with you guys?" Jason called out.

"Of course come on!" Piper said waving him over.

"Joy!" I said sarcastically.

"Leo don't be rude!" Piper scolded. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Piper and Jason were having a great time. I didn't get it but I felt jealous?

"Leo what's your first class today?" Piper asked.

"Math." I responded. I slowed down and put my arm around Piper.

"That's boring I have English." She said happy.

"English is the most boring class in the world!" I complained.

"Math is so boring with all the numbers." She said.

"Math is interesting." I responded.

"I agree with Piper I don't get Math that much." Jason chimed in.

"Both of you are so dumb." I said shaking my head.

"Says the one who was gonna pull the fire alarm." Jason mumbled.

"I think it was a brilliant idea." I said putting my arm around his shoulder. It was kinda hard but hey who cares. I swear I could see his face go red. Soon we got to school. Jason ran off with his football buddies. Piper went over to Shel. I went to my locker and made sure I had everything for Math.

I grabbed the tools and headed towards the break room. No teachers were around so I went in. I found the control panel and fiddled with the wires till I cut the power. The break room went dark. I snuck out the door they had going to the football field and headed to the front of the building. Everyone was freaking out. I couldn't hold my laughter in so I burst out laughing. The Stolls ran up to me and high-five me. Percy ran over and gave me a pat on the back.

"You scared everyone!" Percy said proudly.

"I know I did!" I said running my hands through my hair.

"Malcom got so scared he jumped into my arms." Connor squealed.

"My brother is making moves!" Travis said patting Connor on the back. Percy put an arm around me. Jason came running over to see the ruckus.

"Travis you deleted the camera footage?" I asked.

"Yep all gone!" He said proudly.

"Are we starting a real fire?" Percy asked.

"I have the stuff!" Connor said jumping up and down.

"How about we do that at the end of the year?" I suggested.

"Yes!" All three of them said in unison.

"Three, Two, One." Percy counted down. When it hit one, a bucket on top of the roof, filled with water poured down on everyone. Everyone was soaked.

"Connor you might want to run." I whispered.

"Why?" He asked.

"Malcom and Annabeth's books are soaked." I explained. Connor and Percy darted.

"It's just you and me!" Travis said putting an arm around me.

"Yep we get to watch the chaos." I said laughing. He started cracking up. His laughter was contagious because soon we were both on the floor laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Katie and Jason marched up. I stopped laughing and soon he Travis did too.

"What happened?" Jason asked. He was soaked from head to toe. I could see his 6 pack beneath the shirt. Katie wasn't soaked. She looked pissed though.

"We played a prank." Travis admitted.

"Why?" Jason asked. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.

"Because we thought it would be funny." I said getting up. Jason pushed me back down.

"I'm soaked I thought I was getting somewhere with you Leo!" Jason yelled. "I thought maybe we could be friends. Maybe we could stop fighting but you had to ruin it!" Jason stormed off.

"Travis come with me!" Katie demanded. Travis did what she asked. I could feel myself start to cry. I just tried to make everyone laugh.

Why do I feel bad about this. I never have. I have pranked Jason so many times. Why does this time hurt. Like everyone says I'm useless. Stop crying your weak.

I ran off with tears in my eyes. I got to the football field and slumped down at the nearest wall. I put my head in my hands and started to cry.

You are so useless! Your not funny just annoying. Everyone hates you! Nobody likes you. Your mom doesn't care at all. Piper doesn't, Percy doesn't, The Stolls don't, your siblings don't, your friends don't, And Jason doesn't. What happened to the little boy that you used to be. Stop being dramatic.

I dug my fingernails into my arm. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't move. I was utterly paralyzed. Tears were blurring my vision. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I couldn't move. I couldn't hear or see. I felt utterly useless. I was useless. Multiple voices were around me. Then an overpowering voice told them to go away. A hand was still on my shoulder.

"Shhhh it's ok." A comforting voice said. It was too manly to be Pipers and it wasn't Percy or one of the Stolls. I forced myself to look who was my savior. He had blonde hair with blue eyes. He wore glasses. He was hot. He had a tiny scar on his lip. It was Jason. I put my head back into my hands and started to silently cry.

"Leo talk to me." He said in the most beautiful voice I heard.

I-I can't- I can't show weakness." I mumbled.

"Leo your not weak from showing emotions." He said.

"How would you know?!" I lashed out.

"Because I did that before and it only hurt me worse." He admitted as he rubbed my back. I couldn't fight it anymore. I blacked out mumbling something I don't remember.

My rival! (High-school AU Valgrace) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now