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*Leo's Pov*

I pulled into my driveway. My family was out for the day. I parked it. Jason kept his arms around my waist.

"Come on Jay let's go." I said trying to wiggle free.

"But your so warm." He said putting his head on my shoulder.

"I know I am but we need to get inside." I complained. He sighed and untangled his arms from around my waist. I was disappointed. He got off and so did I. I took my helmet off and put it on the bike. Jason handed me his and I put it right next to mine. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. I went inside and Jason followed me.

"I have a present for you!" I explained dragging him to the garage. The garage was filled with tools and workbenches. I walked over to a box wrapped with wrapping paper. I picked it up and headed back to where Jason was standing. I handed it to him. He walked back into the other room. I followed him. He sat on the couch. I stood up leaning against the wall.

"Open it!" I pushed. He unwrapped it. Once he got to the box he ripped it open. He looked inside and look shocked. He looked back at me.

"Well I have a feeling that you'll be hanging out with me more so I made it. Piper and Shel helped." I explained.

He took out a helmet with a lightning bolt on it and the superman logo on it. He got up and came over to me. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"Thank you Firecracker!" He squeezed me tighter.

"Your welcome Superman." I managed to get out. He realized I was struggling to breathe so he let go.

"So what else do you want to do?" He asked. I took the helmet and put it on the couch. I took Jason by the arm and walked up to my room.

"I hope you don't mind the mess." I said opening the door. My room was a total wreck. Tools were on the ground. Books were everywhere. Clothes on the floor too.

"Wow this is a mess." He pointed out.

"Thanks genius." I rolled my eyes. I went over and sat on my bed. He came over and sat next to me.

"So how's life been?" I asked breaking the silence.

"My dad is an a--hole. But I can't do anything about that." He said defeated.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked.

"No can we just watch a movie?" He asked. I smiled and got off the bed. I grabbed the TV remote and put on the Avengers. I hoped back on the bed and scooted closer to Jason. Jason put a arm around me.
The movie finished right before Nyssa came running into my room.

"Hey big bro!" She beamed. "Oh your on a date I get it. I'll tell our family to leave you guys alone." She slipped back out the door.

"NYSSA I'M NOT ON A DATE!" I yelled after her. I shook my head. Jason burst into laughter. I looked at him trying to breathe. That made me also burst into laughter. After like 2 minutes my ribs started to hurt. I calmed down. Or tried too.

"Your sister is hilarious." He said trying to get his laughter in check.

"She's annoying that's what she is." I said rolling my eyes. But it made me think. Was this a date? Well we watched a movie and cuddled. I guess but he probably thinks that this is weird. He probably thinks I'm weird. But Oh my gods I want to kiss him so badly. He was right there. His lips were big and looked soft. His scar on his lip was so adorable. I just want to kiss this man so bad. He's gay maybe he likes me back. Probably not.

"Leo, Leo!" Jason snapped under my nose.

"What happened?" I asked looking around.

"You were staring at my lips, I guess they are very kissable." He flattered himself.

"Shut up Grace!" I said hitting his arm. He chuckled then grabbed me into a bear hug. He smelt like rain. Like the smell in the air before the rain starts. I put my head onto his chest. His heartbeat increased. I wonder if he has somebody who he likes.

"Hey Jase do you like anyone?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" He asked so calmly. Heat rose to my cheeks.

"Who is it?" I asked. I looked up and his face was a bright red.

"None of your concern." He said letting go of the hug.

"Please tell me who it is?" I asked doing my best puppy dog eyes.

"You know I can't resist those eyes." He complained. I looked straight into his eyes. He shook his head. I rolled my eyes and got ofsauce. I sat Criss-cross apple  sause crossing my arms. He looked disappointed. A smirk tugged at his lips. He grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap. His arms were tight around me so I couldn't escape.

"I hate you." I huffed.

"Sure you do." He patted my head. I grumbled.

He put his head on my head. Now I was going to explode. So much physical contact in a day with your crush. Yeah you were going to explode.

My rival! (High-school AU Valgrace) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now