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*Jason's Pov*
Finals week. Yay! I walked into the school building and headed to my locker. I opened it and a note fell out. I picked it up and it read: good luck on your finals! Love Leo♡

Leo was adorable. I couldn't wait to see him at lunch. My first class was history. Thanks to coffee and all nighter I felt sorta prepared for that test. I made my way towards history and went inside. I sat next to Percy and Nico.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked.

"No, I hate finals." Percy admitted. His foot was almost healed. He had no boot on just a limp now. Percy was going with his family to Florida for a bit of the summer.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Nico responded. His voice was filled with sadness. Nico had a broken heart. Will's family decided to move back to Texas. Dude I was gonna miss Will so much. I knew Will had math class with us in the afternoon so Nico was sure gonna cry. Mr. Blofis came in and gave out the test.

"Good luck everyone." He stated before going to the back of the room.
The test was actually pretty easy. Ok that was a total lie. I was the last one to finish. Well me and Percy finishes at the same time but he was faster on turning it in. I made my way to English. I sat next to Piper, Annabeth, and Frank.

"Sup guys!" I greeted.

"Hey Jason!" Piper waved. Piper was so happy for the summer. Her dad and mom, Shel, and herself were going to California for the summer.

"Hey." Annabeth said with her head in her notes. Annabeth was also going to California with her family for a bit of the summer.

"Hey man!" Frank hugged me. Frank was going to Canada with Hazel and his family. Hades actually agreed for Hazel to go to Canada with Frank, crazy right.

Mrs. Q came in and gave out the test. She is like a century old. She moved like a snail. Also she was mean. If someone breathed to loud, it was a detention.
The test was easy. I was like the 3rd person done. Mrs. Q just gave us extra work after we were done. I didn't care to do it. I put my head down till the bell rang. I walked out before anybody else. I walked to the lunch room and saw Leo already with Will and the Stolls. Leo was staying here for the summer thank Gods. The Stolls were going to Washington D.C. No idea why. And Will of course was moving to Texas for good. He and Nico were going to keep dating thankfully. Thalia and Reyna joined the table. I walked over and sat next to Leo wrapping an arm around him. Reyna and Thalia were going on a trip around the country with Artemis. Artemis was Will's aunt and Reyna's adoptive mom. Reyna still is in touch with her real mom Bellona but Bellona is a busy woman. Katie join the table with the Stolls. Katie was staying here and not doing anything for the summer.

Everyone soon joined the table. I looked over and Will and Nico were far apart from each other. Nico was on the other side of the table.

"Will, please tell me you and Nico didn't break up!" I whispered pleading.

"No! We didn't it's just he's mad because I have to leave." He looked down.

"Will I'm talking sense into your dad." I nodded.

"It's not my dad's fault. It's Octavians fault. His mom wants us close to her and we can't leave Octavian alone because you know he's a psychopath." He explained. "Also his mom is lazy to watch over her son." I was going to kill Octavian one of these days. Justice for Dakota.

"Can we see Will Solace in the front office please?" The speaker boomed. Will shrugged and got up. He left towards the office.

"Jason what are you doing for summer?"  Hazel asked.

"Oh Ima be here hanging out with Leo all summer." I responded. Hazel nodded.

"What should we do for summer tho?" Leo asked.

"We will figure that out later." I said. Leo rolled his eyes.
After lunch we went to Math. Thank gods for Leo in my class. I sat down next to Leo, Piper, Malcolm, the Stolls, Katie, and Shel. I looked around and Will was nowhere to be seen. Nico came in and I waved him over.

"Where's Will?" Nico asked sitting beside me. I shrugged.

"He texted in the gc that he had to leave, family emergency." Katie explained.

"Oh, I hope he's ok." Nico mumbled.

"He'll be fine." I reassured him. Mr. Chiron came in and handed the test out.
I was the 3rd person to finish. That was great. Mr. Chiron let us listen to music. So that's what I did. Music always calms me down.

After a hour everyone was done so we could talk for the rest of the day. My social battery is drained from all the activities I have done in the past month. I put my head down falling asleep to my music.

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