Chapter 28: Guardian Rising PT: 2

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When I hobbled through the door I was immediately met by Harley, Jinx, Caitlin, Komand'r, and Leslie.
"What happened to ya this time? Did ya get hit by a train Mista D?!"
Harley exclaimed in worry as she and Komand'r helped me over to the couch.

"If by train you mean 20 Mutant assholes then yes."
I replied.
"They tried to muscle over Cleo and of course me beating the piss out of them was the only logical thing to do."

Komand'r asked as I nodded.
"Do you mean.."

"The guys who have been on the rise for the past couple of months, the guys I fought in the alley, on the train, and now at my place of work, yeah...those guys."
I said as Jinx help me by using her powers to pull the table closer and to put my feet up on it.

"I can only imagine how they looked after you kicked their asses."
Leslie said in surprise as I pulled out my phone.

"And you don't have to."
I smirked as I handed her my phone.
"I took pictures before the cops and medics had a chance to pull up. I was late getting home because I took the time to clean up after them, as you should when taking care of a dog."

"Daaaamn, is that your boot print?!"
Caitlin exclaimed as I smiled proudly.

"Haha, you bet it is...*winces in pain* Ahhh that still fucking smarts!"
I said as I grit my teeth.

Komand'r came up from behind me and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm glad my training is being put to good use Bumgorf. Though once you've recovered I think it's time I teach you some grappling techniques I learned on Tyrallius-3."
She then started to nibble on the soft spot between my neck and my shoulder which sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine.

"Y-Yeah, sounds like fun."
I stuttered out.

"Is your Boss okay?"
Caitlin asked.

"She's okay, understandably shaken up but she wasn't even injured."
I replied while Komand'r hadn't ceased with her teasing.
I moaned out which caused Harley to drag her off of me.

"Alright sista, I wanna do that and more to him but give our man a little bit of a break would ya?"
As she said this Komand'r then started to get a bit frisky with her.

"Would you like to learn the grappling techniques from Tyrallius-3 as well Harley?"
She asked with a lusty tone in her voice.
"They don't just involve combat."
She must have sensed that I was going what the fuck inside my own head as she cracked a smile.
"Don't worry Bumgorf I didn't mate with any of that planet's inhabitants when I was learning from them, I simply watched."

Hearing her say this caused everyone to go what the fuck as Jinx gave her a playful shove.
"Easy there Princess haha!"
She laughed while Leslie, Caitlin, Harley, Jinx, and myself were all blushing.

Steering the situation into a different direction, Leslie then saw something on her phone before grabbing the remote.
"Check this shit out!"

"This is Vicky Vale reporting live from within the studio here to give you all an update on the current crime spree here in Gotham. The gang whom we have now come to know as "The Mutants" have been tearing apart our city. Multiple crime reports coming in by the truckload involving assault, arson, kidnapping, vandalism, breaking and entering, as well as even a few murders so far."
As we all sat down and watched this unfold, someone with a shoddy camera angle was recording one of these scenes with their phone. The video showed a group of mutants in what looked like the east side of Founders Island we're throwing molotovs and tipping over cars.
"Robin and Batgirl have been on the scene trying to stem the tide of these Mutants but more seem to be pouring in from out of nowhere all over Gotham."
As I sat there and watched in silence I couldn't help but clench my fists as hard as I could.
"Police, Fire, and medical teams are also under attack. But one question that seems to be asked by everyone is where is Batman? And just who else can stand up to these Mutants? Who else is there to stand up and protect our city?"

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