Chapter 21: Snakes in the Grass PT: 2

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An awkward silence hung in the air between everyone and Larissa even after everything I had to do with my car had been dealt with. Speaking on that, the cop who ran my plates had gotten a report of a vehicle with the same make and model as my car speeding around Founder's Island and Miagani like whoever was behind the wheel had played too much Need for Speed when they were growing up. Having said all that they wrote me a citation for $1267.98, temporarily bared from driving at all until I can pay the fines and get my license renewed, and towed my car which I also had to pay for.
"Fuck my life..."
I grumbled while holding the ice pack to one of my many bruises.

"Sorry for all the trouble that I caused."
Larissa muttered with the kind of tone that made you surprised how she even said it.

"Do you regret what happened?"
I asked with a sly grin as I was given no reply.
"Didn't think so."

"Back to the matter at hand."
Ivy said as she looked to Larissa.
"There's clearly quite a bit that we all don't know about one another. Sure we've covered the basics, but for something like this to happen..."

Larissa jumped up and kicked the chair across the room as she flashed her fangs.
"I didn't ask for any of this to happen!!!"
She screamed as she caused Harley and Jinx to jump slightly in surprise.

"I hate to break it to you but whether you did or didn't, it still happened."
Jinx commented as she aimlessly scrolled through her phone.

"I believe we need to understand why they have come after you if we are to know how to defeat them."
Komand'r says.
"I've met their kind countless times during my travels amongst the stars. They won't stop until they have achieved their goal or if they have been eliminated."

"There's no other option for the cold hearted."
Caitlin added as Larissa screamed and marched out onto the balcony, talking to herself and cursing profusely in Spanish.
"I wasn't talking about her, jesus."

It had been nearly an hour after everything happened before I had gone outside with a couple of glasses and a bottle of Calypso that I had been saving for an a special occasion, but given the circumstances I was making an acception.
"Mind if I join you?"
I asked as I held the glasses and the bottle.

"I didn't think you liked to drink."
Larissa replied as I shrugged.

"Eh, I do once in a blue moon."
I say as I poured our drinks.
"I actually broke out the booze because I thought you could use a drink and I'd feel slightly awkward for not having one myself."

"Calypso huh?"
She asked before taking a sip.
"Not bad."

"Glad you like it...I wanted to share it with my sister Vanessa but... she's no longer with us."
Her eyes widened when I mentioned her.
"The age gap between us was... ridiculous. I was 14 when she was born. My dad was still a drunk piece of shit that would work odd and late hours. My mom would be passed out on the couch and wasn't doing the shit that she needed to...neither of them were. So that left me to take care of her. I did everything that I could; sing, dance, change her shit filled diaper, make her bottles, wake up to check on her every half hour in the night to make sure she was still breathing, and I'd sit there and watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic with her...her favorite show. Whenever we'd watch it she'd look at me and say.."
I did my best to imitate a baby's voice.
"Shining Armor."
I cracked a slight smile.
"Twilight Sparkle's big brother."
But as I thought about what happened I felt my smile begin to fade.
"I had gotten into some shit that I couldn't avoid...some punk and his friends at school tried to jump my ass and I wasn't having it. So I played my Uno reverse card and beat the piss out of them. But one of them was a spoiled little shit that ended up crying to his dad who happened to be a corrupt cop. I got sentenced to a year in juvie but while I was in there... The CO told me that my sister had died.. dehydration and starvation... My dear parents never even came to get me when I got out.. Since I was 16 I had been emancipated upon my release and told "good luck". I didn't go back to them after what they did to her, least of all to me. So I bounced around everywhere between here, Starling, Hub City, and the West Coast before stopping in Chicago before I came back. Yeah, even some of the people who live here in Gotham say it's a shit hole. But this shit hole is where I was born, and I came back because I believe that if people want it badly enough they can have a second chance."

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