Chapter 23: Grind Time PT: 1

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Once we had all gotten back to the apartment to lick our wounds and process everything that just happened, my whole body was aching to the point where it was hard for me to even move without sending a bolt of pain through my body. Followed by what felt like a thousand needles stabbing me where I had actually been stabbed or slashed.
"Hey, let me help."
Ivy says as she came in, not looking any better herself as Caitlin, Komand'r, Jinx, and Harley stood in the doorway behind her.

I shook my head as I tried to lift my shoulder that got dislocated, however I couldn't even move it.
"I got it."
I winced as she gave me the kind of slap Gibbs gives Denozo every so often.

"Don't be stubborn, not right now at least."
She said with a stern voice as her and the others helped me out of my suit.

Jinx had left with a bit of a skip in her step as she almost immediately returned with a jar that held something that looked similar to tree sap.
"This is it right?"
She asked as she handed the jar to Ivy.

"It is, thank you Jinx."
She says, applying a fair portion of the jar's contents to my wounds.

I growled as Komand'r instinctively held me.

"I don't have a name for it yet, but I made it myself. It's designed to rapidly increase your white blood cells, allowing your body to heal more quickly. Side effects include cold sweats, headaches, and that burning sensation your feeling right now."
As pain arched through my body she continued to explain.
"You can only use this stuff once in a blue moon. If you over indulge it could damage your nervous and cardiovascular systems. It could even damage your organs or cause you to go into shock."

I grit my teeth as I tried to smile through it.
"Take two a day and call you in the morning, got it!! Grr... thank you Dr. Ivy."

She gave me a smirk and gave me a playful nudge.
"Hehe, it's Doctor Pamela Isley to you."

Once the pain had completely subsided I immediately felt like I would if I had gone multiple rounds with more than one of these ladies at the same damn time. I ended up falling into a dreamless sleep which I was grateful for because of how I didn't need to think on anything else on top of the crazy ass dreams that I would have when I would smoke a bowl or two. It came as a disappointment to Reggie when I told him about my car. Then it came as a disappointment to me when he had to give me my final check.
"It's not just you that I've had to let go and it's not because of anything that you did. Someone from high up had decided on a whim to shut this place down even though businesses was going more than great."

I shook my head in irritation as I dragged my hand down my face.
"That is some motherfucking bullshit."
I grumbled.
"Even so it was great working with you Reggie."

He smiled back as we fist bumped.
"Likewise my dude.."
He then leaned a bit closer to me so that he could whisper in my ear without trying to make it look awkward.
"Also if you want some quality green I can hook you up with a discount. My cousin has his own company, totally legit. Just tell me what you want and I can get it for you."

"Reggie my man, you got the mind of the devil but have the heart of a juvenile delinquent."
I replied as we both laughed.
"But sure I'll let you know when I'm in the market, check you later."

"You too Damien haha!"
He smiled and gave me the duces sign before I made my way over to the bank to deposit my check.

From there it had been an even longer day for me. I rode across the island to the Rat Hole for my interview, which went pretty well. And it's not that I have a problem with this, but my new Boss seemed to have an obsession with rats. Probably should have figured that out already given the name of the bar.
"Hi there, my name is Cleo Cazo."
She smiled kindly as we shook hands.

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