Chapter 6: New Roommates PT: 3

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"What the fuck is it with you people and not using the fucking door?!!!"
I yelled at the two of them as the fought in the middle of my living room.
"Do you know how long I saved up for that, that was the newest model of the PS5 you fucksticks!!!"
The snake lady then turned to me and hissed as she spoke in Spanish.

In Spanish:
"How about you stay quiet before I cut you tongue out!"
She screamed as she contorted her body in a way that made it seem like she wasn't human before throwing Batman across the room.

She goes in to charge him but I threw myself into her path before rolling onto my back as she collided with me.
"How about you take this outside?!!"
I say as I felt my ribs shift when she was sent back out the window.

In English:
"Fucking Christ!!"
I cried out as I clutched my sides in pain.

"Hold still."
Batman then pulls out a syringe and sticks me with it.

"More sedative, seriously?!"
I exclaimed as he helped me up.

"What I injected you with will temporarily calcify your bones and allow you to move without to much discomfort."
He said before making his way over to the window.
"She got away..."

"Who was that?"
I asked.

"When I met her she was one of 8 Assassins trying to kill me. Originally she was listed as Jane Doe as she had so many aliases that it was hard to narrow it down. But eventually it was found out that her real name is Larissa Diaz, AKA Copperhead."
Batman then looked around and saw the paint left behind by Joker's men on top of the damage that was just caused.
"Sorry about all this."

I simply shrugged as I hoveled over to the couch and tipped it back on all four of its legs.
"It's kind of funny in the sense that I'm starting to get used to it and I haven't even been back in Gotham for a week."
When I looked over to where he "was", he was no longer standing there.
"Fuck you too then."
I grumbled before I layed back down on the couch.

About an hour later Blackfire and Harley walked or flew back through the door.
"Oh Bumgorf you should have been there!! Everything on earth is so..."

"Mista D what happened?!"
She exclaimed as she rushed over to my side.

"Oh you know how it is. One minute you're trying to take a nap after introducing someone new to our planet Earth, and then the next you wake up to see Dracula in the corner. Only to have him interrogate you about your new guest before some Snake Assassin Lady comes crashing through your window, smashes your PS5 into pieces and gives you more clean up."
Blackfire's eyes started to glow with purple energy as well as her clenched fists while she ground her teeth together.

"Whomsoever be foolish enough to hurt my Bumgorf or cause him distress shall pay that price with their blood!!!!"
She screamed as Harley and I did our best to calm her the fuck down.

"Blackfire I'm okay, really I am!!"
I exclaimed to her as Harley waved her hands in the air.

"Hey hey hey, if ya go ballistic then there won't be anything left!!"
She yelled and after a moment or two of this she finally began to calm down and touch back down to the floor.

"My apologies, when raised as warrior like I was you tend to have more distain for those who attack another when they are not at their best or if they be foolish enough to attack you within your own home."
She says with a different kind of tone I hadn't heard come from her yet.

"It's alright, we just have to clean this mess and bundle up for the night. Even when it's not winter it still gets cold at night in Gotham."
I say as I grabbed her gently by her hands.

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