Chapter 4: New Roommates PT: 1

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As I had already figured my new boss who's literally name after one of our founding fathers, John Hancock wasn't to happy to hear that I wasn't showing up to work. But when I drove in looking like I got hit by a train while holding a doctor's note in my hand along with the fact that I told him my building was shot up by the Joker's crew and they beat my ass just for fun he let it slide. I did however leave out other parts for obvious reasons. But that also meant that I would have to dip in to my savings to keep the lights on and what not.
"Fuck my life."
I grumbled but then was met with Harley wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"Sneak attack hiya!!!"
She yelled out as I jumped in surprise.

"Harley what the fuck?!"
I exclaimed as she burst out laughing.

"Pfffft hahahaha, why ya so jumpy it's only me!"
She said as she climbed into the front seat. Wearing matching red and black hoodie, same colored converse high top and sweatpants with golden rim sunglasses.
"How ya doin?"

I simply shrugged.
"I'm doing alright, thankfully I avoided the bullet that would have gotten me fired before my job even started."

Harley's expression had a bit of sadness in it when I told her this.
"If it hadn't been for me ya never woulda gotten hurt... You almost died once then a second time when you came after me... why?"

I sighed when she asked me this.
"Not to sound like an asshole, but just because you've gotten fucked over by countless people in the past that doesn't mean that I'm going to. Like I said I just want to help people in whatever way that I can. I took Psychology so that I could help someone heal mentally. If I can help someone beyond that then that's just an added bonus."

Harley smiled meekly but had warmth and joy beyond it.
"Ya might not be super..."
Before I could realize what's going on she closed the gap between us, smashing her lips against mine. I was taken by surprise when she did this but naturally I still kissed her back before she had a chance to pull away.
"But ya definitely my hero Mista D."

The level of heat that I was feeling in my face had me feeling like I was one of those cartoon characters that blow steam out of their ears when they blush like crazy.
"Well, you know... I try."
I stuttered as Harley giggled.

"You're to cute."
She smiled before letting her feet hang out the window.
"Whatcha waitin for, let's go!"

"Go where?"
I asked as I put my keys in the ignition.

"Any fuckin where!"
She exclaimed as she shrugged.

Harley and I ended up driving all around town in search of what to do. Eventually we found ourselves at the mall with felt like one of the most vanilla things ever. I'm sure to a few of the people passing by we look like a couple of high school kids on a date. But we also went into a bookstore, a beauty salon so she could get her hair done, the movies, food court, and even karaoke.
"I wanna get in trouble I wanna start a fight!!"
We sang in unison to Pink for our first song before ended up doing solos. Harley went on and sang Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. But I then decided to show her one of my talents and hooked up the guitar that they had left to make it more interactive as well as for situations where people wanted to show off. Just as the song was about to start Harley took out her phone and started recording my performance.
"Play that good shit Mista D!!"

My only thought to her saying this was;
'Challenge/ Mission Accepted'

From Gotham with Love (Male OC x Fem Villain Harem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora