Chapter 7: New Roommates PT: 4

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"How fucking hard did you get hit in the head Damien to think that this shit was okay?!!"
Ivy screamed as I watered the sapling in the window. Blackfire had Larissa in a citizens arrest hold as they cursed back and forth at one another in Spanish.

"Pretty fucking hard actually and it still hurts thanks for asking by the way."
I shot back at her.
"She wasn't trying to hurt Harley, yes she used her as bait, yes she shot her up with sedative, yes she's killed and shit ton of people, yes shes done alit of terrible things, and yes that means she kidnapped her, but she's also fucked up and a total psycho and dangerous like some other women that I know of maybe even more so."
Once I was done watering the sapling I turned back around to face her.
"But Larissa could have killed anyone of us whenever she wanted to had she even thought of doing so, but she didn't. She Joker, not us. She did all of that to get Batman so that she could keep him from stopping her. And the sedative that she used on Harley should be wearing off any minute now."

In Spanish:
"Let go of me you fucking bimbo!!"
Larissa screamed as she kicked around trying to throw Blackfire off of her.

"Not until you calm down skank!!"
She shot back.

"How about everyone calms the fuck down huh?! Blackfire, if you would be so kind as to let her go I would greatly appreciate it."
Blackfire thought about it for a moment as she gave me a look of what the fuck before releasing Larissa.

In English:
"Okay here's how shit is going to work, your one of the most Wanted people on the planet that I know of so keeping a low profile for now would more than likely be the best thing for you to do right now."
Just as I said this Harley finally began to stir.

"Huh, who shot me up with the booty juice?"
She asked still bleary eyed.

"What is "booty juice"?"
Blackfire asked.

"Ya know the needle that the doctors stick into your ass to put you ta sleep? Some of the people in Arkham calls it that."
For a moment we all stood there going what the fuck before we started snickering, then eventually everyone except for Blackfire started laughing.

After we stopped laughing I went to my room and grabbed a my Tokyo Ghoul blanket and pillow for Larissa to use.
"Sorry that I don't have a spare bedroom, but still the couch would be more comfortable than the floor."

"Why are you so kind?"
She asked as Harley threw her arms around me from behind.

"Cause that's who Mista D is!"
She exclaimed before planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Also ya not the only one who's been fucked over by Joker, so believe me I know what it's like."

Larissa didn't verbally respond but silently nodded instead. It had gone well last two in the morning by the time Ivy left. Harley and Blackfire debated for awhile on who gets to cuddle with me before they looked to me for an answer.
"*Sigh* You know both of you could cuddle me if you want to."

Harley barely had any clothes on and Blackfire didn't wear anything at all. They both snuggled up on either side of me so as to not fuck up my ribs anymore than what they were. But for awhile even after they fell asleep on me I wasn't able to do so myself. When I was finally able to slip away from them to go and use the bathroom I passed by the living room and Larissa was looking directly at me. For a moment I thought that she was awake and was about to say something, but the I noticed how shallow her breathing was. Which told me that she wasn't awake but sleeping with her eyes wide the fuck open.

It was like I was being looked at by the eyes of a predator stalking their prey, like she was going to suffocate me and swallow me whole. Her gaze was so intense that I stood paralyzed, unwilling to move lest I wake her from her slumber. And then I was reminded of a fun little fact about reptiles, snakes in particular. During the coldest months of winter when mammals go into hibernation and sleep all during that time, the cold-blooded animals burrow their way deep into the ground and stay awake all winter, waiting for the cold and piercing winds to cease or the frost and snow covered earth to melt away and pass her by.

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