Chapter 11: Assault on Arkham PT: 3

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"What's the matter, scared of lil ol me?"
Robin asked as I laughed.

"Nah, just surprised."
I said as I wrenched the Bird shaped Batarang out of the wall and threw.
"Surprised that one of you is actually wearing pants and something aside from a green speedo to match the traffic light suit!!"

Robin side stepped out of the way as I swung my foot towards his face. But then I adjusted my body slightly and spun back around on my heel, delivering a kick to his diaphragm. However since this guy was trained by Batman he was no slouch himself. He grabbed my ankle and swept my other foot out from underneath me. But when he tried to get on top and put me in a joint lock I twisted my body around as I was on the floor. Robin effortlessly kicked upward and landed back on his feet ready to fight. I went in for a tackle but he grabbed the back of my head and kneed my in the jaw before slamming my face into the wall.
"You should know that I do this sort of thing for a living. And I've gone up against plenty of people like you."
He then grabbed me as I was dazed and delivered a quick Tekken like combo before he kicked my back down to the ground.
"Which means this is nothing but a chore for me."

"You talk to much bird boy."
I said as I got up and gave him a right cross.

I then landed a good few hits on him and even split his lip open before he spun around and kicked me square in my chest. The wind had been knocked clean out of me as I then had a pair of cuffs slapped on me before I could even think to move.
"This is Robin, I'm bringing in a perp who just tried to rob Gotham Trust."

I then looked at him as he ushered me out the door.
"First of all what fucking year is this and second having said that who still uses the word perp anymore?"

"Shut it! There will be plenty of time to talk during processing when they question you."
Robin scowled.

"Awww, like father like son. I'll give you an A for effort on the scowl but it could use some work, maybe squint a little more."
Robin then growled in reply.
"Do you know the difference between squint and growl? Probably not seeing as how you just did what I didn't tell you to do. Maybe when you get back to your belfry little bird you can crack open a dictionary and learn the definition between the two words you seem to have trouble comprehending."

"I said shut it or you go night night!!"
He yelled in irritation as I shrugged.

"Hate to break it to you kid but your dad is waaaay better at this than you. Maybe after a little longer with the training wheels you can learn to be intimidating on your own. Oh and while your at it maybe you can learn how to buy someone a drink before you start slapping cuffs on them. I mean seriously you didn't even ask me my name and besides I never put out on the first date."
This finally sent him over the edge as he clenched his fist and slammed it into the side of my head.

As I was walking down the hallway in my new orange jumpsuit with my inmate number stamped on it, Eric walked behind me in his prison guard uniform and pushed me forward using the but of his M4 Carbine rifle.
"Move it freak!"
He barked as I simply smiled and laughed at him.

"You'd have to be some kind of freak yourself to even want to work in a place like this hahahaha!!"
Was my reply before he actually smacked me in the back of the head and literally kicked my ass.

"I said to fucking move it!!"
He yelled once more as a couple of the actual guards watched this happen while a few of the inmates who were a few rounds short of a full clip just watched and laughed or stared at me as they pounded on the walls, jumped around like they were animals at the zoo, even some guy who used a sock as a puppet silently looked at said puppet as if to ask what the other thought.

Oh and that's not all, several of the metahumans that I had seen on A.R.G.U.S's roster were here in the common area amongst the simpler inmates who couldn't tell their ass from a hole in the ground. But seeing as how I was new to this little slice of hell, I had to be assessed by the lead Psychiatrist himself, Dr. Hugo Strange. However the Psychiatric Ward was on the other side of the Island within its own building separate from the inmates and other crazies. But to get to the Psychiatric Ward, Eric and I had to make our way past the Isolation Hub where they kept the worst that Arkham had to offer.

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