Chapter 14: Pillow Talk PT: 2 (🍋Ivy🍋)

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Harley had milked me until I absolutely had nothing left in the tank. I finally understand how Spider-Man felt by Round 3 in that Meme he was in awhile back. We ended up making such a mess of the bed that we settled for crashing on the floor with my last thought being that I hoped Oxy-Clean was enough to get our love stains out of the sheets. But even after I had woken up my body was still sensitive to the touch. The slightest brush against in any area of my body would make me quiver to the point that I would feel like I was about to have yet another rock hard erection. Harley was still asleep when I got up, so I had gotten her clothes for her and set them off to the side before hopping in the shower to get ready for the day as I then went on to wear a simple white tank top and black sweatpants along with my Nike sandals.

Before I set foot outside my bedroom I could already smell something divine coming from the kitchen as well as the sound of something sizzling in a pan on the stovetop.
"Mmmm, something smells delish."
I say as I found Ivy to be the one in the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning Damien!"
She exclaimed in surprise.
"Did you sleep well was your first time?"
She asked while I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.

"Heh, it was pretty great. Kind of like the food you're making right now."
When I looked around the room I noticed that the mattresses were lacking their respective occupants.

"Blackfire and Jinx took Caitlin out for some girl time. Larissa was nice enough to volunteer seeing as how she was the only one left to go grocery shopping."
When I checked the time I silently cursed myself as Ivy gave me a warm smile and a plate of Vegetarian Bacon, Eggs, air fried potatoes, and already had a fresh pot of coffee that was still brewing.

"Ivy, you didn't."
I said as she handed me the plate.

"Eat up, you need your energy. Which from the sounds of it your have quite a bit of despite the fact that your supposed to be on bed rest to let your wounds heal, that reminds me..."
She sat the spatula off to the side and lifted up my shirt to reveal my abs along with my surgery wounds.
"Hmm, doesn't seem like you ripped your stitches. How do your insides feel?"

"Erm, fine I guess.. I'm not in pain if that's what you mean?"
I say as she let my shirt go.

It was then that I also finally realized what she was wearing. A frilly apron that hugged her curves and from a side view I could see that she was wearing a grey crop top with lacey red underwear. I already felt a sudden rush of heat rise in my cheeks as she turned to look at me.
"Is something wrong Damien?"
She asked.

"No, nothing's wrong."
I replied before she took a look at herself.

"Oh, I almost forgot what all that I was wearing."
She says as she held the upper portion of the apron away from her chest.
"I took it up on myself to do laundry this time. Unfortunately this was all that I had left to wear that was clean. Also you don't have to worry about your sheets, I took care of those too."

I then pressed my hands together as if to pray while I bowed my head.
"You're a fucking saint!"

Ivy had a sultry tone when she chuckled as she turned away with a sway of her hips. I then went on to eat my breakfast as I continued my quest for a new job. Sadly there wasn't anyone that was looking for a new mechanic. But there was multiple listings for things like Delivery Driver, Line Cook, and other jobs in the like. I applied for every last one that I could until there weren't anymore that I could apply for. Once I had basically licked my plate clean, Ivy came out to the living room.
"I'll take that, and here you go."

She says, taking my plate in exchange for an extra large piping hot cup of black coffee.
"Uhh, thanks?"

Ivy simply smiled.
"Your welcome."
She replied before going back to the kitchen.

From Gotham with Love (Male OC x Fem Villain Harem)Where stories live. Discover now