Chapter 20 -Girl Meets Valentine's Day

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3rd Person POV:

Ryan woke up bright and early on Wednesday, February 14th. AKA Valentine's Day AKA Josh's 17th birthday.

Ryan got ready for school before calling and waking up Josh.

"Hello?" Came a sleepy voice through the phone.

"Happy 17th Birthday, Babe!" Ryan replied with a happy voice.

Josh chuckled and replied. "Thank you, butterfly. But why are you up so early?" He asked after looking at the time.

"I don't know. Just woke up early. Guess I was excited to wish you a happy birthday. Any special plans today?"

"Not really. School, practice, hanging out with Jake and Landon for a few hours before coming home to eat dinner with my parents. My mom is making burgers for dinner. And after that, hopefully, video chatting you. Nothing too crazy."

"Sounds like a pretty good day. You just have to get through school first." Ryan says jokingly.

"Yeah. Anyway, I should get up and get dressed for school. Thank you for the wake-up call. Waking up to you calling is my more preferred method of waking up."

"Okay. Have a good day. I love you, Josh."

"I love you too butterfly." Josh says with a smile before hanging up.

At the school, Ryan and Brandon were by Ryan's locker

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At the school, Ryan and Brandon were by Ryan's locker. After they exchanged Valentines, which was just each other's favorite candy, they started whispering about something.

Lucas walked up to them. "What are you guys whispering about?"

"Oh, nothing, Cowboy." Ryan said before passing Lucas a pack of Air Head Xtremes. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Thanks, Shutterfly. These are my favorite." Lucas says with a smile before frowning, "Now I feel bad. I don't have anything for you."

"Don't worry about it. You didn't need to get me anything." Ryan says, waving him off before grabbing 3 more packs of candy and walking towards Riley, Maya, and Farkle. Brandon and Lucas follow her.

"Hey guys, Happy Valentine's Day!" Ryan says, giving Riley gummy bears, Maya Jolly Ranchers, and Farkle Pop Rocks.

"Thanks, Ry." They say in unison.

Riley hands Ryan a handmade card, and Farkle hands her a bear claw from Svorski's while wishing her a Happy Valentine's Day.

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