Chapter 19 - Girl Meets First Date

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3rd Person POV:

Brandon and Ryan are sitting in Mr. Matthews classroom. Suddenly Cory carries Riley into the room slamming the door before Lucas was able to walk in.

"Dad, are you out of your mind?" Riley asks after her father puts her down on her desk.

"Riley, it's time for the talk." Cory says and Riley moves to her seat.

"In front of the whole class?!" Riley asks horrified. Lucas is looking through the window in the door.

"Yeah, give her the talk." Maya says

"Let's see what you know." Ryan adds

"Okay. When a daughter... " Cory starts

"Stop." Riley says.

Cory sees Lucas walking to the other door of the classroom "Excuse me." he says running and shutting the door in Lucas' face, "Not today, chachi." Lucas pushes the door open, causing Cory to grunt.

"Sir, you've known me all year. You like me, admit it." Lucas says to Cory

"I don't wanna."

"I'm one of the good kids. What are you so afraid of?" Lucas asks

"Okay." Cory says before going up to the board and erasing 'Belgium 1831' from it.

"No-ooo!" Farkle yells out before trailing off and sitting down.

"Okay, guys. It's seventh-grade spring fever, which leads to dating, which leads to movies, which leads to popcorn, which leads to putting your hands together in the dark touching the popcorn, which leads to holding hands, which leads to that." Cory says pointing at Yogi and Darcy rubbing noses.

"Please tell me I don't look like that with Josh." Ryan says to Brandon.

"You don't." Brandon says

Ryan sighs out in relief. "Good. If it ever happens, run me over with a car." Ryan tells him and he chuckles.

"Oh, I am not ready for this." Cory says and picks Yogi up, pulling him away from Darcy, "Come with me. Come here. Come on, no, come on. Come with me. Riley, I am begging you, stay in neverland, okay? No growing up." Cory says to Riley before putting Yogi on his desk. Yogi sits in his seat. 

"You do know what Peter Pan does to the lost boys in Neverland, right?" Ryan asks Cory. 

Farkle raises his hand. "What do you want?" Cory asks Farkle, not commenting on what Ryan said.

"The way I see it, I'm in an interesting position here."

"How do you figure, Farkle?"

"Let's approach this as a scientific equation. You're scared of Lucas going out with Riley, right?"

Cory scoffs, "Oh, does it show?"

"Yes." Brandon and Ryan say in unison before Ryan adds, "It's blatantly obvious Matthews."

"He's good-looking and athletic." Farkle says

"He's 36!" Cory exclaims while pointing at Lucas.

"Give your daughter to me. I'll give you four oxen and my best milking cow." Farkle says

"Are you actually thinking about this?" Riley asks after Cory was silent for a few moments

"It's a good deal." Cory tells her

"I will decide who I go on my first date with at such time as somebody asks me." Riley says standing up and Lucas raises his hand and Riley makes an excited face.

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