Chapter 18 - Girl Meets Farkle's Choice

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Ryan's POV:

Brandon and I are sitting in class watching the morning announcements. Riley continually mispronounces words and Maya can't stop laughing.  Brandon and I look at each other with pursed lips and start laughing hard when Riley says today's lunch will be "hot males" instead of "hot tamales". Then Farkle goes to do his science moment and Riley greets him as "Far-pool" instead of "Farkle" and Brandon and I laugh harder, as does Maya.

Farkle was nominated for a Buggie award and says he will finally choose between Riley and Maya. I look at Brandon, "This will end up being a longgg week."

"Oh yeah." Brandon agrees. 

We are in class and Mr

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We are in class and Mr. Matthews starts teaching. "Who's the greatest ally of the United States? Farkle?"

"I'd like to help you, sir, but I got a lot of things on my mind." Farkle says

"Are you tense, Farkle? Is it Buggie Award season?"

"Yes, and I know that once I've chosen between Riley and Maya for the dinner, I'll actually be letting the other one go."

"I'll go. I'll go right now." Maya says

"I think it will be sad when Farkle doesn't love us both the same." Riley says

"Yes, one of you will be crushed. You will, however, receive the Farkle home game as a consolation prize." Farkle says.

"Ooh, what's that?" Riley asks.

"It's this game where the loser goes," Farkle mimics sobbing, "Farkle."

"So who is the greatest ally of the United States?" Mr. Matthews asks trying to get back to teaching.

"Ask Farkle." Sarah says

"Oh my god. It's Canada." I say with a groan and the class looks at me, "Farkle isn't the only one who knows things, you know." I say before turning to Mr. Matthews, "Want me to tell you why too?"

"Look, I really want one of you at the Buggies with me to pick me up when I lose again to my archnemesis Smackle." Farkle tells Riley and Maya.

Riley chuckles, "Smackle? What kind of parents name their kid Smackle, Farkle? Oh."

"Riley, you already met Smackle. Why are you questioning her name now?" Brandon asks

"It's just interesting that all of our thoughts turn to other allies first when Canada is right next to us. Perhaps it's because we know they'll always be there for us that we take them for granted." Mr. Matthews says

"Farkle, I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice and let you go with Riley." Maya says

"Yeah, well, I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice and let you go with Maya." Riley says after

"I decide! You hear me? This game is Farkle's choice. Prepare to go through the emotional gauntlet of love." Farkle exclaims

"Okay." Riley and Maya both say.

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