Chapter 17 - Girl Meets Master Plan

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Ryan's POV:

Today is Maya's birthday and Shawn was coming into town for an assignment. He said he would come pick me up and we would go together to the Matthews. So, I am waiting on him.

There was a knock on the door. I ran from the kitchen to open it. I flung the door open and see Shawn on the other side. "Shawn! I missed you." I say excitedly and hug him.

"Hey Ryan. I missed you too." He says and we pull out of the hug. 

"How's the assignment going?"

"It's impossible! Can I crash on your couch?" He asks.

I smile. "That's fine with me. Mom is gone at a conference this week anyway. It would be nice not to be alone."

"Thanks, Sweetheart. I thought the conference was next week though?"

"No it's this week. She comes back Sunday."

"Oh. Ready to head to the Matthews?" He asks

"Yeah give me one second." I say a run to my room to grab the present I got for Maya's birthday and my camera bag. I come back out and hand Shawn the gift and camera bag. "Hold this for me?" 

Shawn nods and takes the gift and camera bag, while I take my leather jacket off the hanger and put it on. Then I grab my keys and walk out the door with Shawn following me, then lock it behind us. "Okay. Lets go." I say taking the camera bag and putting it across my body before taking the present from his hands.

"Who is the present for?" Shawn asks me

"Maya. It's her birthday. I got her an art set."

"That was nice of you. Have you talked to her about what happened at game night?"

"Yeah. At school." I say. 

"How did that go?" Shawn asks and I think back to what happened while telling him.

I walked up to Maya at her locker. "Hey Maya. Can we talk?"

She turned around, "What's up, Ry?"

"It's about Josh."

Maya sighs, "I'm sorry about game night. I don't know what I was thinking. I know the two of you are together and love each other."

"Yeah we do. I know you have a crush on him. I didn't realize it was as big as it actually is. I'm sorry if seeing us together hurts you."

"It's okay. I'll get over it. I'm sorry about flirting with him in front of you. I didn't realize how much it must have hurt you until afterwards."

"I forgive you. Just promise not to do it again?"

"Promise. We good?" Maya says

"Absolutely." I say and throw my arm over her shoulder and we walk to class.

"After that we didn't bring it up again and went back to normal." I say

"That's good. And she hasn't flirted with Josh again?" Shawn asks

"No, but she also hasn't seen him since."

"So you guys are good?"

"Yeah. We are." I say

"Good." Shawn says as we arrive at the Matthews and just walk in. "Hello!  Anybody home?!" 

"Guess nobody is home."

"Come on. Play your ole man." He says handing me a controller.

"Oh you're going down." I say with a smirk.

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