Chapter 21 - Girl Meets Gravity

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3rd Person POV:

The summer was fun but passed quickly. Ryan spent part of it in Philly visiting my grandpa and even went with Shawn on some of his assignments. When Ryan was home, she hung out with the gang a lot and saw Josh about 3 times a week. They both really enjoyed seeing each other as often as we wanted and were disappointed when the summer ended.

Brandon picked Ryan up to walk to school together.

They were standing by their lockers, which happened to be next to each other, and saw Lucas and Riley stand awkwardly next to each other.  They walk up to Farkle and Maya, who are near Riley and Lucas. Riley and Lucas give each other an awkward "hi."

"It's still going on." Brandon says

"All summer." Maya says not tearing her eyes away from Lucas and Riley

"I think this is worse than when they could barely have a conversation when they first met." Ryan comments

"No doubt." Brandon says

Maya looks towards Brandon, and her eyes widen. She lets out a girly giggle while giving Brandon a wide smile.

"Woah, Brandon. What happened to you?" Riley asks.

"What do you mean?"

"She means you look hot." Maya blurts before her eyes widen, and she looks away from him with flushed cheeks.

Ryan's eyes widen, as do Farkle's. Brandon smiles at Maya.

"Thank you, beautiful." Brandon said to Maya with a wink. "Puberty happened." He added with a shrug after he turned to face Riley.

"Yeah. I guess you girls haven't seen him since the beginning of summer. He had a major growth spurt at the end of July." Ryan tells them.

"Had to get all new clothes. None of my old ones fit anymore. My voice has been cracking some, too." Brandon says

Maya was just staring at Brandon with a dopey smile and curing a piece of her hair around her finger. Lucas and Riley just look at each other awkwardly again.

"You two have to talk about what happened eventually." Ryan says to Lucas and Riley.

"She's right." Lucas says

"Hi." Riley says

"Oh hey." 

The bell for class rings.

"Glad we talked about it." Riley says

"Yeah, me too." Lucas replies

"Bye," Riley says

"Hey." Lucas says awkwardly. They both walk into class with Maya and Farkle following them.

"Did Maya just act like a schoolgirl with a crush towards you?" Ryan asks Brandon shocked

Brandon nods with a wide smile. "Yeah."

"What the hell has been happening during your texts with her?" Ryan mumbled

Brandon shrugs and responds in the same tone, "I don't know but I like the development."

"So are you going to ask her out? I know you've had a thing for her for a while."

"No. I like Maya a lot. I don't want her to be just another girl. I want to wait. See if her feelings last and are not just a one off." Brandon says. He and Ryan walk into the classroom so they aren't late.

Brandon confessed to Ryan over summer that he had feelings for Maya. But he didn't want to ask her out, knowing she wasn't interested at the time and also didn't want to ruin the friendship they had. Ryan hopes that it works out for them.

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