Coffee Confrontations (part 3 of last chapter)

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Emily woke up with a big stretch. She stayed up later than usual scrolling on her phone and texting. It wasn't her fault Instagram reels were so funny and addicting. 

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then looked over at Trevor, who was sleeping seemingly peacefully on the ground in a sleeping bag she had found in the production tent. It had a few weird stains on it, but Trevor didn't care. He looked like a bean all curled up in it. She smiled at the thought.

She got dressed, put on her signature purple eye-shadow, and went to the production tent to make herself some coffee. She definitely wasn't going to survive the day without it. 

Once she got in there, she noticed Derek and Kristal joking around. She internally scoffed at them; she wasn't a big fan of Derek. In fact, she found him annoying, and cocky. Someone who thought he was all that when he wasn't. She had no clue why Trevor was so infatuated with him, but she wasn't going to judge him. Not too much anyways. 

"Oh, hey Emily. Have you seen Trevor? I need him to build and test out tomorrows challenge and he wasn't in his tent." Kristal asked, only just now noticing Emily (she'd been standing there for about 10 seconds.)

"Yeah, I have no idea where he went. Must've left when I was sleeping." Derek added, which made Emily roll her eyes. That fucking liar, she thought. 

"Yeah, I bet you don't Derek." Emily scoffed. "Anyways, no, I haven't seen him." She also lied. "Why can't Derek do it? Isn't he also an intern?" 

"Yes, but he has WAY more use than Trevor." Kristal Shrugged. "Whatever, I'll go look for him, I guess." Emily was okay with Kristal, but sometimes she pissed her off. This was one of those times. Kristal walked out, leaving Derek with Emily. 

"So," Emily started, walking over to the coffee machine. "Trevor left while you were sleeping, huh?" She asked, knowing he'd try to lie. 

"I guess. Maybe he went to take a shower or something. I don't blame him, the tent smelled like sweat." Derek joked, seemingly nervously. God he's such a bad liar, Emily thought. 

Emily smirked, and turned to face Derek. "Hm, really? That's not what I heard on the cameras..." Derek facade shattered instantly, and so did his shit-eating grin. 

"Well... He had... left after I..." Derek stuttered, trying to make up a convincing story. It obviously wasn't working, and he could tell. 

Emily just giggled. "You two had quite the fight, huh? I don't blame Trevor for leaving." 

"What is it to you, mole face?" Derek questioned, embarrassed since he'd been caught in the act.

"First of all, that was an ass insult. Second, you don't realize how bad you've been damaging Trevor's mental state? He sobbed for so long yesterday night in the middle of the woods, and you didn't even bother looking for him." Emily ranted, dropping her grin for a serious expression. She was genuinely pissed off at Derek and his carelessness. 

"He's been fine, why do you care?" Derek mumbled, avoiding eye-contact and not even mentioning the fact Emily told him Trevor was crying in the woods. 

"I care because I'm not a piece of shit human being. He really cares about you, yet you abandoned him for Kristal even though it was YOU who got him into this whole mess in the first place!" Emily lectured, raising her voice to make him understand. "He's your best friend, and you ditched him. What a great person you are." Derek tried to make a witty comeback, but couldn't come up with anything. He wasn't given enough time either, since Emily had stormed out. She didn't even take her coffee. 

Emily walked back to her tent to find an awake Trevor, already in his uniform. He lay on his side on top of his sleeping bag. His eyes were still red from the previous night, and he had noticeable  eye bags. 

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