love marks

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Ok, so, before I start thus I just wanna say that this has implied smut in it, but like it's not like detailed at all so yea

I suck at writing so it'll probably be 29202933838 years before I even attempt at writing that lmao

Anyways onto the story!
Derek's pov

I wake up in my bed. Trevors laying right next to me. Why arey legs so s- oh yeah, I think to myself.

I stand up and get my intern uniform on, and go to the staff tent to make myself some coffee. Trevors still sleeping, but I'll wake him up later.

Once I walk into the tent, Kristal starts staring at me. I ignore her and make my cappuccino.

"Have a nice rest?" I hear her say.

"Yea?" I say back, knowing she's probably being sarcastic. I sit down at the center table and sip my coffee. Kristal is still staring at me holding in a laugh

"What's so funny?" I say, annoyed. She starts to laugh even harder. "What??!"

"Look in the mirror." She says, laughing so hard tears start to form.

I roll my eyes and go to the staff bathroom. That's when I see what she's laughing at.

God damnit.

All over my neck and on my shoulders, purple marks. Shiiiiiit.

I panic and hurriedly try to find something to cover them up with. I find a wash cloth and put it around my neck. Hopefully no one else sees, and Kristal keeps her big mouth shut.

"Bet you two had a real good night last night, huh?" Kristal teases as I'm walking out the tent.

"If you tell anyone about this I swear!" I yell. She just laughs, clearly not worried in the slightest.

Trevors awake when I get back to our tent. "Morning babe! Oh, uh, you got some-"

"Yes, I know." I say, cutting him off. "You have a few too."

"Oh. Uh, so, do you know a way we can cover then up?" He asks.

"No, I don't. We can't just walk around with wash cloths around our necks all day."

It's silent for about 10 seconds. Then, Trevor breaks that silence.

"I'm sorry."

I turn to him. "It's not your fault babe. We were caught up in the moment." I sit by him on our bed and kiss him on the cheek.

"Do you still have your old turtlenecks?"

"I think so. Here, let me check." I say, standing up and looking in my sack of clothes. "Shit, the only ones I have are these crappy Christmas ones."

"Maybe we can just put the uniforms over them?" Trevor recommends.

"Good idea." I toss him a turtleneck and we change into them.

"Look good?" He asks me.

"Better than them seeing the marks. Now come on, we gotta get the challenge set up."

God this is terrible sksksisjnwjssiiww I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it ughsjsksjsns

Opening crimuh presents tomorrow

Also might make a little trevek Christmas thing

Anyways ima go get some holy water and cleanse my head so santy clauz doesn't put me on the naughty list

Murrah crimuh, happy holidays, and ima go now


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